Wednesday, July 31, 2024

What's hidden under the ice of Antarctica?

What's Hidden Under the Ice of Antarctica?
Empire Beneath... (
(RealLifeLore) July 12, 2024: Antarctica is not what we are told. It is only recently frozen over, as the Piri Reis map shows. There is no way for them to have known those shorelines, but there they are. When the map was made, either the place was clear of ice or ET technology had ice piercing capabilities. But if the latter is the case, why draw it without the ice when that is all sailors would see when navigating the area. Who can control the weather, who is able to rain down miles of snow? There is life on the continent of Antarctica, human life in underground bases the Nazis built with extraterrestrial help. The name of their settlement, which seems to connect with hollow earth civilizations, known in ancient India as Agartha, is New Schwaben Land, near Argentina, where many Nazi officials escaped to in U-boats (submarines). After all, the Nazis did not lose WWII. That is just the way the narrative was spun so as to continue what the Nazis had arranged and were doing with off-planet intelligences and new weapons and vehicles.

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