Thursday, July 25, 2024

Jews stole Noah's Ark story from Sumer

The pre-biblical origins of Noah's flood
(ReligionForBreakfast) The Sumerians and Akkadians and Mesopotamians (and Gnostic Jews and Christians) had a story they handed down, the tale of a flood with details to suit them and major points intact. The Hebrews or ancestors of Judea heard it and reworked those details to be all about themselves, leaving out the roots of the history, plagiarizing a story and altering it to aggrandize a modern group. So "God" was not doing what we are told in the legend as we hear it. It's not even the same boat or vessel. But what other stories are there? For instance, there's a story called Genesis...the Gnostic version.

The Book of Enoch banned out of the Bible for saying too much.
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Special thanks to the writer of this episode, Paul Davidson. Check out his blog "Is that in the Bible?" ( Select imagery/video supplied by Getty Images and Reuters. Join Patreon community to vote on the next episode in this series: religionforbreakfast. One-time donations here:
  • Religion for Breakfast, 7/24/24; Sheldon S., Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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