Friday, November 29, 2024

Psychic Tara talks to Bigfoot (Ayloyn)

Tara Harris claims one Bigfoot told her and her paranormal investigative team that they are called "Ayloyn," not "Bigfoot," which is derogatory and insulting to them. Ayloyn is both their name and where (the dimension) they are from and where they return at will. More evidence comes from all of the Native American tribes (First Nations) in this country.
"Sasquatch knows that these humans don't mean to be bad. They're just ignorant, and he's disappointed in where they are as a species. He wishes they would evolve, but at this point he can only watch, so he stays in the dark and out of sight" (

Call me by my real name(s)
Native American (American Indian) tribe names for Bigfoot (Scrolller)
All of the American tribes are aware of these Ayloyn ("alien"?), these "nature protectors," and each has a special name for them, considering them a fellow tribe of intelligent humanoids, not just animals.
The Salish tribe dubbed them Sasquatches (se’sxac or “wild men”). Brazilian/South American tribes in the Amazon know them as Mapinguari. High strangeness often accompanies contact. Or, maybe, it's all one big misunderstanding, and that's why the world has so many specific names for them:
Bigfootyia, female yakshi (Paterson-Gimlin)
It must be said that, as witnesses report it, ogresses (yakshis) are fiercer and more deadly than males (ogres), with perhaps the exception of male adolescent troublemakers in heat or not yet raised to understand to stay away from man. (The most famous Bigfoot, from the Paterson-Gimlin footage, was a female with large breasts, though there are others accompanying her in the background brush not visible in degraded versions of the film but visible in the original. British poet Rudyard Kipling (The Jungle Book) observed this sexual dimorphism in temperament in his famous 1911 poem:

The Female of the Species

When the Himalayan peasant meets the he-bear in his pride,
He shouts to scare the monster, who will often turn aside.
But the she-bear thus accosted rends the peasant tooth and nail.
For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.

When Nag the basking cobra hears the careless foot of man,
He will sometimes wriggle sideways and avoid it if he can.
But his mate makes no such motion where she camps beside the trail.
For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.

When the early Jesuit fathers preached to Hurons and Choctaws,
They prayed to be delivered from the vengeance of the squaws.
'Twas the women, not the warriors, turned those stark enthusiasts pale.
For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.

Man's timid heart is bursting with the things he must not say,
For the Woman that God gave him isn't his to give away;
But when hunter meets with husbands, each confirms the other's tale --
The female of the species is more deadly than the male.  More
  • Yeti – Nepal/Bhutan/Tibet
  • Yowie – Australia
  • What the – Tongva Nation (Aboriginal LA)
  • Wolfmen – United States
  • Wookiee (Chewbacca) - Hollywood Land
  • Xingxing – China
  • Another interesting fact is that most places in the U.S. that include the word "devil" are actually referring to sighting of these monstrous creatures in the area, usually along natural ridges
  • These names are in addition to their names for neighbor animals (pandas, gorillas, orangutans, monkeys, bears, bonobos, outcasts, demons) and what individual tribes call them in their indigenous languages and dialects. They are remembered in lore, legends, petroglyphs, and private relationships.
(Jack Links) Now that we found them, how can we commoditize them?

Paranormal Bigfoot: Medium Tara Harris
(A Flash of Beauty: Bigfoot Revealed) Nov. 14, 2024: Tara Harris was never sure Bigfoot existed, but she knows ghosts are real. One day with a friend in the woods in a special spot suitable for paranormal work, she was approached by one (able to read aura-like energy fields around the human head) and ended up learning a lot about this class of creature and another accompanying spirit that makes knocking sounds in the woods.

Does WQ believe? Yes, due to Lloyd Pye, psychics, and "Sierra Sounds"
Recorded vocalizations such as howls, screams, moans, grunts, whistles, [whoops, yelps, and mimicking of human voices and tones], and even a form of language have been recorded and reported [183, 184].

Some of these vocalization recordings have been analyzed by individuals such as retired U.S. Navy cryptologic linguist Scott Nelson. He analyzed audio recordings from the early 1970s recorded in California Sierra Nevada mountains Ron Moorehead dubbed the "Sierra Sounds" and stated:
  • "It is definitely a language, it is definitely not human in origin, and it could not have been faked" [185].

Survivalist Les Stroud spoke of a strange vocalization he heard in the wilderness while filming Survivorman that he stated sounded primate in origin [186].

A number of anecdotal reports of "Bigfoot" (cryptid) encounters have resulted in witnesses claiming to be disoriented, dizzy, and anxious.

Some Bigfoot researchers, such as paranormal author Nick Redfern, have proposed that Bigfoot may produce infrasound, which could explain reports of this nature [187]. More
  • Lloyd Pye had hours of forensic evidence to present. Some of the most significant was this simple fact: Assume it's a hoax. There are over 20,000 plaster casts of oversize footprints that exist to be examined (surely made by wooden carved feet used by redneck hicks) from around the world, and the one thing they never tell us is that they have unique fingerprints. So we are to believe that hicks and hayseeds took the time to carve prints into their wooden carvings on 20,000 samples around the world? Moreover, from time to time, a deformed foot makes the print and a podiatrist can confirm that that's how it would have healed, something no hoaxer would know. These yaksha/rakshasa creatures in Buddhist lore are found around the world. The ones near the Caucasus region of Georgia (country) are called Almas, which differ from other varieties. The U.S. government is well aware of their existence and cannot control their comings and goings. When one is shot, when a body is turned in, it does not see the light of day. It must all be discredited to conceal other facts the government does not want to disclose. There is published science by veterinarian Melba Ketchum to establish its existence.
Most convincing encounters on camera

(Dark Matter) June 18, 2024: From a giant Australian "Yowie" filmed on thermal (heat-detecting camera), to a juvenile "Sasquatch" performing incredible speeds, watch some of the "most convincing Bigfoot encounters caught on camera..."

  1. 0:00 - Utah
  2. 1:36 - Queensland
  3. 3:47 - Tennessee
  4. 4:54 - Oklahoma
  5. 7:21 - Washington
  6. 9:04 - Ohio
  7. 10:03 - California
  8. 11:13 - British Columbia
  9. 13:08 - Ontario

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