बुद्धिस्म स्पेअक्स तो अ ले दिस्सिप्ले.
Soma Siddhas and Alchemical Enlightenment:
In the legendary biographies of some Buddhist adepts from the 2nd- and 9th-centuries there are some clues which can be interpreted to reveal that the adepts were consuming psychedelic Amanita muscaria, "fly agaric," mushrooms to achieve enlightenment. This secret ingredient in the alchemical elixir they used to attain "realization" was, of course, unnamed, in keeping with their vows to maintain the secrecy of their practices. Its identity was concealed behind a set of symbols, some of which appeared in the Soma symbol system of the Rig Veda, some other symbols possibly passed down from a time of earlier shamanic use of the mushroom in the forests of Northern Eurasia, and some symbols that may be unique to these Buddhist legends. The congruity of these sets of symbols from Northern and Southern Asian traditions will be shown to be reflected in the Germanic tradition in some characteristics of the Oldest God, Odin.
In the legendary biographies of some Buddhist adepts from the 2nd- and 9th-centuries there are some clues which can be interpreted to reveal that the adepts were consuming psychedelic Amanita muscaria, "fly agaric," mushrooms to achieve enlightenment. This secret ingredient in the alchemical elixir they used to attain "realization" was, of course, unnamed, in keeping with their vows to maintain the secrecy of their practices. Its identity was concealed behind a set of symbols, some of which appeared in the Soma symbol system of the Rig Veda, some other symbols possibly passed down from a time of earlier shamanic use of the mushroom in the forests of Northern Eurasia, and some symbols that may be unique to these Buddhist legends. The congruity of these sets of symbols from Northern and Southern Asian traditions will be shown to be reflected in the Germanic tradition in some characteristics of the Oldest God, Odin.
3322 16th Street, San Francisco, CA 94114, USA
Received 6 November 1993; revised 7 February 1994;
accepted 16 February 1995. ; Available online 20 March 2000.
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• References
• References
Journal of EthnopharmacologyVolume 48, Issue 2, October 1995, Pages 99-118
References Cited By in Scopus (4)
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Didier Michelot, Leda Maria Melendez-Howell
The fly agaric is a remarkable mushroom in many respects; these are its bearing, history, chemical components, and the poisoning that it provokes when consumed. The "pantherina" poisoning syndrome is characterized by central nervous system dysfunction. The main species responsible are Amanita muscaria and A. pantherina (Amanitaceae); however, some other species of the genus have been suspected for similar actions. Ibotenic acid and muscimol are the active components, and probably, some other substances detected in the latter species participate in the psychotropic effects. The use of the mushroom started in ancient times and is connected with mysticism. Current knowledge on the chemistry, toxicology, and biology relating to this mushroom is reviewed, together with distinctive features concerning this unique species.
The fly agaric is a remarkable mushroom in many respects; these are its bearing, history, chemical components, and the poisoning that it provokes when consumed. The "pantherina" poisoning syndrome is characterized by central nervous system dysfunction. The main species responsible are Amanita muscaria and A. pantherina (Amanitaceae); however, some other species of the genus have been suspected for similar actions. Ibotenic acid and muscimol are the active components, and probably, some other substances detected in the latter species participate in the psychotropic effects. The use of the mushroom started in ancient times and is connected with mysticism. Current knowledge on the chemistry, toxicology, and biology relating to this mushroom is reviewed, together with distinctive features concerning this unique species.
American Psychologist, Volume 18, Issue 3, March 1963, Pages 154-159
Stuart Boyd, Alan H. Roberts
"Psychology is the study of behavior. Mycology is the study of fungi" including mushrooms, which are currently of great interest in psychotomimetic research. There are 3 main types of bibliographical source material: (a) extensive mycology literature proper, (b) growing research literature related to possible chemotherapeutic uses of fungi, and (c) literature "which is just plain literature." Examples of each category are cited. "Our hypothesis is that there are no neutral or emotionally dispassionate feelings about the mushroom. Individuals appear to group themselves into mycophiles, mycophobes, and mycoambivalents. The mushroom is seen variously as a symbol of death or ecstasy, but rarely as a natural organism untinged with affective power."
"Psychology is the study of behavior. Mycology is the study of fungi" including mushrooms, which are currently of great interest in psychotomimetic research. There are 3 main types of bibliographical source material: (a) extensive mycology literature proper, (b) growing research literature related to possible chemotherapeutic uses of fungi, and (c) literature "which is just plain literature." Examples of each category are cited. "Our hypothesis is that there are no neutral or emotionally dispassionate feelings about the mushroom. Individuals appear to group themselves into mycophiles, mycophobes, and mycoambivalents. The mushroom is seen variously as a symbol of death or ecstasy, but rarely as a natural organism untinged with affective power."
(PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved)
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