Peace in Buddhist Perspective

Wisdom Quarterly editorial staff outline for a talk by the Ven. Dr. Karunananda

Wisdom Quarterly editorial staff outline for a talk by the Ven. Dr. Karunananda
(noun): freedom from conflict, happy relationships, harmony, security, serenity, inner tranquility, stability, silence, and stillness.
Security - freedom from conflict, justice, outer or “world peace”
Mutual Responsibility - harmonious relations, “mutual peace”
Shamatha, Nirvana - ultimate serenity, tranquility, “inner peace”
Security - freedom from conflict, justice, outer or “world peace”
Mutual Responsibility - harmonious relations, “mutual peace”
Shamatha, Nirvana - ultimate serenity, tranquility, “inner peace”
Reason(s) for war between countries: greed, hatred, delusion, or fear
Reason(s) for war between countries: greed, hatred, delusion, or fear

--The Buddha's advice to the Vajjian Confederacy: Seven Societal Practices for peace and invincibility:
- meet frequently in concord
- maintain rules not violating old ones with new ones
- act in accord
- listen to elders
- respect the women
- honor ancient practices
- support truth seekers
The reason for conflict between friends and family: unclear social duties
The solution or way to peace: Path of an Excellent Householder:
- Eradicate Four Vices in Conduct (murder, theft, rape, perjury)
- Overcome Four Unskillful Motivations (desire, anger, delusion, fear)
- Avoid Six Channels for Losing Money (intoxicants, loitering, unseemly shows, gambling, bad companionship, idleness)
- Make money as harmlessly as a bee gathering flower nectar and Divide Your Earnings in Four (spend one portion, reinvest two back into your business, and save the fourth)
- Practice Four Bases of Popularity and leadership (hospitality, sweet speech, generosity, impartiality to all)
- Duties (lowercase dharma) to and of our Six Social Relationships (parents, teachers, spouse & children, friends & associates, servants & employees, sramans & brahmins)

Follow the Noble Eightfold Path to heaven(s) or to final liberation:
1. Harmonious View -- you are interdependent on others
2. Peaceful Intention -- renunciation, friendliness/metta, harmlessness/karuna
3. Peaceful Speech -- kind, honest, uniting, calming & encouraging & useful (rather than idle)
3. Peaceful Speech -- kind, honest, uniting, calming & encouraging & useful (rather than idle)
4. Just Action -- protect life, protect property, protect bodies
5. Harmonious Livelihood -- no weapons, slaves & slaughter-animals & prostitutes, meat production and butchering, poisons, intoxicants (AN 5:177).
6. Peaceful Effort -- prevent unwholesome states; abandon them; arouse wholesome states; maintain and perfect them
7. Peaceful Mindfulness -- attentive and clearly comprehending (sati-sampajañña) our environment
8. Harmonious Concentration -- calm, cool, collected states of inner-stability (four meditative absorptions (jhanas)
PHOTOS: Buddhist Peace Fellowship delegation march; Burmese American Democratic Association of San Francisco 2008 peacewalk, peace sign from The Women's International Perspective (www.thewip.net); Buddha image (Tibet House); lotus in hand (BPF).
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