Nyanaponika Thera (Questions based on "Karma and its Fruit")
QUESTIONS (Section I.)
- Which relationship is emphasized and which rarely noted in most works on karma?
- What metaphor best describes the result of karma (action)?
- Why is it possible to be liberated from the cycle of suffering?
- What two things determine the result of any karmic action?
- What effects can a particular type of established karma have on the result of an action?
- Since karmic results are not instant, what can happen during the delay?
- Where does karma issue?
- How will the virtues of an individual affect the results of his/her karma (actions)?
- Differentiate between the effects of karma on one without virtue and one with.
- According to the Buddha’s example, a cup of water or the Ganges river = _______ while a lump of salt = _______.
- According to the Buddha, what two things affect the karmic result?
- What can a single mistake cause even to a person with blameless character?
- Why such a seemingly disproportionate crisis?
- An initial mistake can be reinforced by ______ and in this case _______________ .
- Do all of these ideas work in reverse?
- What do these complex situations mirror?
- How is the complexity of the mind increased?
- What keeps the road to liberation constantly open?
- What is the negative side to the potential “openness” of a given situation?
- What can one use to grasp a moment in which to make a wise choice?
- While not directly discussed in essay, Will a human be able to rise from suffering with a clouded mind, and what types of things cloud it?
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