Xochitl, Ashley Wells, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly; WorldFestEvents.com UPDATED
WorldFest: LA's biggest Green, Compassionate-Living, Music Festival |
(WFLA) Come spend the day with fellow lovers of Earth. Get inspired while having fun! Woodley Park is next to the Metro line, with easy freeway access, in the San Fernando Valley.
Ascetic Siddhartha and Mara's daughters under the Bodhi tree (jeffpartridge.tumblr.com) |
The festivals of ancient India -- like the massive Rajgir Fest the Buddha's chief disciples attended before setting out to become spiritual seekers wandering in search of truth -- could hardly rival what we have today. And all of Mara's daughters pale in comparison to the cornucopia of Lululemon yoga pants and sheer hippie wear -- none of which distracts from our quest for enlightenment. Our illumination is guaranteed so long as we persevere. Carry on, our wayward sons and daughters. For if "Not everyone who wanders is lost," we grow as we keep touring!
When in Long Beach, as numerous Cambodian temples celebrate Vesak today, also see the Kwan Yin/Virgin Mary in a shell (seen here at left) Sagely Buddhist monastery, across from the Queen Mary and Spruce Goose, PCH, Long Beach (longbeachmonastery.org) |
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