Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Housing alternatives, modern options (video)

Akimbo, 8/6/23; Editors, Affordable Housing Options Committee, Wisdom Quarterly
It's economical, good feng shui, lots of light, more barrel than box, what's not to like?

They laughed...until they looked inside
(Akimbo) "Home" is where the heart is or where homme arrives at night to be greeted by some warmth and nourishment, a place to reflect, meditate (cultivate), and rest to be able to greet the world the next day.

Keeping up with the Joneses is really more about appearances than substance. It's a thin house.
And by treehouse I meant tree house.
What with the prices of ordinary box houses, apartment flats, commune living space, trailer homes, four-wheel campers, vanity vans, and parking spaces at trailer parks, it's time to get creative.

I'm going to build a house made of semi-truck cubes or hob (clay mud mixed with fibrous material), or made of sandbags or bundles of straw/hay covered in cement, red bricks and mortar, a cave with a giant segment of corrugated pipe...

It may not be much, but it's mobile and quiet.
I'll think of something. Real estate will not ruin me. "Property is theft," TSOL quoted someone as saying. It might have been Marx. So I may have to go into the woods and find a tree hollow, a meditation hut, a good treehouse on bamboo stilts. Imagine the possibilities. What about a passenger plane with no engine, a space built into the well-insulated ground, or something that looks like a pile of potatoes?

Housing ideas for creative types
I just need a place to sit -- then sleep -- then sit some more. A good wilderness hut will do.
The view's great, but the steps! It's like my own personal monastery. I can make lots of noise, but the wind is louder: La Noguera, Catalonia, Spain (bbsferrari/iStock/Getty).

Houses are cheap. It's the price of land that makes it expensive. No real estate, no prob.

Now we're talking! Tiny houses built into a nice neighborhood with lots of trees.
Meditation apartments for private practice in a supportive sangha ("spiritual community").

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