Thursday, May 16, 2024

Bad Jews, good US troops, food aid pier?

US propaganda can get confusing. It's ALL lies.
If there's one thing I know about my country, it's that we don't do good deeds unless there's something in it for us. We're war profiteers. Not us the citizens of the United States, but our government, our leaders, our military, Pentagon officials, CIA paper pushers in cubicles filling the world with propaganda and running operations of every description to make us the inheritors of Nazism's ideals, like deposing governments unfriendly to our side (with the audacity to uphold 
democratic principles like one person, one vote) while propping up dictators we like such as Netanyahu. COMMENTARY CONTINUED BELOW

US military completes temporary pier off Gaza; aid deliveries to begin within days
(ABC News) May 16, 2024: The U.S. military completed the installation of a temporary pier to facilitate the transportation of "humanitarian" aid into Gaza, Palestine, from the Mediterranean Sea [in spite of Israel's blockade, which in the past has seen the IDF fire on US flagged military boats], U.S. Central Command said.

Bibi, I got your back. - I know, Joe, I know.
Now the corporate mainstream media is doing a report that puts Israel, Israel's American-funded military, its corrupt and genocidal prime minister, and its Mossad (CIA) in a bad light? That's hard to believe.

"What's in it for us [the US]? It gives us both the carrot and the stick? We will both be able to fund this genocide with weapons to enrich US arms dealers AND we will be able to turn the food spigot on and off (use strategic humanitarian aid as a soft weapon) to stem the famine we and our partner Israel has been imposing on the Palestinians for the past 17 years?

(Prior to Israel's ethnic cleansing of Gaza, the terrorizing, murder, and forced relocation of civilians and the setting up of more and more illegal Jewish occupation sites in the West Bank, the "state" of Israel rationed the food allowed into the Gaza Strip. The strip is the largest open-air prison in the world. Israel made it so there were only enough calories to keep the oppressed population from dying of famine but so few calories they could not remain well -- under the distress and humiliation inflicted on them daily -- or grow and certainly not thrive or stay healthy.)

Ironically, calorie restriction is one of the few scientifically-proven longevity extenders.

Get back to the reservation. No one's listening
If Israel really wanted to exterminate the Natives more humanely, it would follow the USA's lead. Here, the US federal government starved American-Indians by feeding them ultra-processed food and other junk and surplus commodities it buys to manipulate demand and stabilize prices for the manufacturers, who are part of the donor class that accepts and demands corporate welfare from the people allowed to rule as elected politicians.

Rather than starve the Indians, the government overfed them by stating, in a purported act of goodwill, that federal money could only be used on supply a sound diet of the FDA's Four Food Groups.

We may as well have put a gun to their heads and injected them with white sugar, acrylamides, preservatives, chemical flavor enhancers, MSG, neurotoxins, and other carcinogens.

Does Israel bribe US politicians for support?

Since this diet was never proven to be anything but a giveaway cobbled together by lobbyists working for the greed of the corporations that make up its components: Big Agra demanding carbs, vegetables, and sugar-swollen fruit be the base of the Food Pyramid, that pus-filled allergenic dairy, eggs, slaughtered birds and livestock mammals (in generously contaminated flesh) for protein, and that sugars and sweets be added at the very top for dessert purposes.

No one in America was eating that way by their own sense. But at least one group was forced to endure it: Native Americans trapped on reservations.

HC: Just eat the damn food, it's fine.
So what did they do with (the dead food for the dead) their ration of bleached white flour? They mixed it with milk and took the toxic oil they were given to create an Indian staple now called "Frybread," which just happened to be delicious because it was full of addictive comfort chemicals like carcinogenic acrylamides, fast burning carbs (high glycemic), empty calories, and rancid oils.

Even if the plasticized vegetable oils had been properly extracted and stored, they would still be utterly ruined by the high temperature burning/cooking that reduced them to carcinogens in the frying process.

Well, what happened? Where have all the Indians gone? The way of the Palestinians. America's slow genocide of its indigenous peoples has succeeded, but it has done so by erasing them, addicting them to the SAD (Standard American Diet), destroying them from within and disappearing them by whitewashing them, imprisoning them, addicting them to drugs, driving them crazy, psychologizing them, medicating them, and incarcerating them.

Only American citizens trapped in the US prison system and US welfare recipients (who are limited in the use of food stamps to purchase the same FDA-approved items) get it as bad because these are the same things as are pumped into US concentration camps (aka Indian reservations).

No one fares worse than Indians, prisoners, and welfare recipients. In all three cases, no one is starving, but no one is more susceptible to malnourishment, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, dementia, and all the "modern diseases" brought on by our for-profit food industry aided and abetted by our allopathic medical industry.

Is there anything for Israel to learn from this example? When asked, How could it get any worse? One idea was to allow EBT funds to be spent on fast food (junk food, sugar soda, sugary flavored drinks, burgers, fries, candy, and any other garbage) not fit for anyone one wants to survive in remain in good health. The medical field reaps the riches of our unenlightened self-interest.
  • Enlightened self-interest would mean taking care of how people eat so they wouldn't need the medical field to poison them back to health with overpriced pharmaceutical, radioactive, and surgical interventions and procedures. But the medical field isn't complaining.
Read all about it (Roxanne D-O)
So American Indians have become just like their oppressors, suffering all the same degenerative illnesses only more quickly and with worse outcomes: diminishing average lifespans and higher rates of addiction, cancer rates, morbidity and mortality rates in general.

Only no one can figure out why. "It's a darn mystery!" The US government couldn't possibly have known they were trying to kill the Indians and erase them.

And Israel can't possibly follow suit, using the same game plan the German Nazis borrowed from the US (eugenics, concentration camps/missions, Christian white supremacy, and other ideas for Dr. Mengele and Mr. Hitler to implement for the eradication of their "surplus" population of undesirables).

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