Monday, May 20, 2024

Jerry Seinfeld heckled for genocide-complicity

What the hell's wrong with your friend, Kramer? - He's a Jewish supremacist. - Oh, is that it?

‎شرش | Shoresh | שר”ש‎ (@shoresh_us)
Unable to face what he is doing or what people (many of them Jews) are saying about him, famous standup comic (and failed moviemaker) takes the coward's way out when heckled, blaming it on "Jew hatred" not his own behavior and allegiances.

Israel is guilty of war crimes, crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing, atrocities, and genocide. The International Court of Justice knows it, but when the USA is providing diplomatic cover in the United Nations (UN), what chance does international "justice" have?

Three countries seem to have an inordinate number of Nazi and Nazi ideology in operation, the U.S., Israel, and Germany (to say nothing of Ukraine and its military).
  • In a tremendous stroke of progress, arrest warrants were issued for Jewish PM Ben Netanyahu (war criminal) and the accused leader of Hamas (Reuters)
  • In a tremendous act of regressive politics, Genocide Joe says he will defend Netanyahu no matter what the international community wants to do to him, even defending him against getting arrested and interrupting his genocide
‎شرش | Shoresh | שר”ש‎ (@shoresh_us)
Might that explain the behavior of European invaders in the Middle East? Ashkenazi Jews, particularly the secular ones, are white Europeans interested in invasion-migration and their settler colonial project, illegally occupying the West Bank and now depopulating, exterminating, and attempting to relocate the population of Gaza in an all-out war that only Genocide Joe Biden is yet to escalate to an attack or surge.

Currently, it is only a low-level kinetic conflict or any other Orwellian euphemism to conceal what it really is. But college kids already hated Jerry Seinfeld and Genocide Joe, so booing or walking out on awkward Jerry at Duke U or turning their backs on Biden at Morehouse, it's only symbolic.

No standup likes to be heckled, but can Seinfeld address the complaints rather than trying to dismiss them out of hand? No, of course not. What leg does he have to stand on other than a stack of cash from supporting the system and all it does in tandem with Jewish Zionists?

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