Monday, May 20, 2024

People worship a sexist Bible? (Joe Rogan)

Dark Bible stories that you never heard | Joe Rogan and Michelle Dowd
(University of JRE) April 18, 2024: There was a woman before Eve. Her name was Lilith, Adam's first wife, who was demonized and sent away. There was Onan who practiced "onanism" (which is purposely misinterpreted as masturbation), which is why you can't. Onan spilled his seed, that is, purposely avoid impregnating his dead brother's wife, as was his Jewish duty. So God killed him. He didn't masturbate, but there shall be no spilling of seed without its intended purpose, which has to be attempted pregnancy. Poor Tamara. To survive the patriarchy, she has to put on a costume and pretend to be a prostitute, tempt a man to get her pregnant, be stoned to death for getting pregnant outside of marriage (which was called adultery in those days), and be saved by the fact that the man calling for her stoning was the man who got her pregnant. The Bible is far from complete but, fortunately, the Apocrypha still exists and makes excellent companion reading. The Bible should not be read without reading the Apocrypha for a more complete picture. But the powers that be do not want the Apocrypha read. Read, instead, what the Empire selected as suitable reading material -- the story of Ceasar's Messiah (Josephy Atwill) and the Flavian line or Roman rulers, who conducted a psyop to bring the world the most popular book in circulation, a fabricated, false, forged, and altered Bible.

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Michelle Dowd is the author of Forager: Field Notes on Surviving a Family Cult, revealing her life growing up on an isolated mountain within an apocalyptic cult and how she found her way out by gleaning strength from the wilderness.

Host: Joe Rogan. Producer: Jamie Vernon. Episode: 2137. Full Podcast here: Follow socials: universityofjre

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