Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Why do we go to raves? (Charlotte de Witte)

(Charlotte de Witte) Charlotte de Witte, spring at Ultra 2023 (main stage), would probably answer, "Why ask why? Get out of your heads and [into your bodies] dance." It's true. What is time? What is reason? What is "why"?

Ah, those were the days, my friend.
In the future, music won't be so much about art as pumping that jam, moving with a beat, tripping on drugs that cause one to move, giving an experience like being at a Phish or Dead concert, a happening, more than a show for entertainment. (The future is now). Community will matter a great deal, even if one knows nobody and is known by nobody. When everyone is high, what does it matter? Illusion and perception become more important than reality and consensus. Dance, Monkey, dance! DJ, press the button on your laptop and get this party going!

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