Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Don't smoke pixie dust from fairies (cartoon)

"Don't smoke drugs, kids" said a younger Jimmy Kimmel once when he was playing a blackface Carl Malone on the "Kevin & Bean Show" on KROQ FM. This was years before he had his own show that so eclipsed morning sports on alt rock radio that we never hear about those days. Viewers of Family Guy might say the same thing after watching this episode on fairy dust. It has grown all out of proportion in our memory as one of the funniest things the writer room at Family Guy Central ever came up with. Is it "pixie dust" or speed? Let's find out.

Pixie dust is a gateway drug
  • Seth MacFarlane (Family Guy); Seth Auberon, Pat Macpherson, Wisdom Quarterly (6/19/18)

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