Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria: Our Heritage

Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria: In the Name of our Heritage
(Best Documentary) July 12, 2024: Twenty years ago, the [CIA and ISI's Taliban] destruction of the Buddhas of Bamiyan in Afghanistan shocked the world. Preserved for millennia, these statues of the Buddha disappeared in an instant, victims of the Islamic purifying madness of the Taliban [fed a CIA philosophy of Wahabism]. It was to be the start of a new trend: the deliberate destruction of historical artifacts. With Islamist groups in the Sahel, then the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, world heritage has paid a heavy price [to promote war between angry Christians clamoring for war and younger Muslims going along with a constructed narrative]. The ancient sites of Palmyra and Hatra, the museums of Mosul and Raqqa and various religious monuments have been reduced to rubble. Since 2016, these acts have been recognized as war crimes by the International Criminal Court. Under the banner of UNESCO and ALIPH, the international community is now attempting to restore and reconstruct these witnesses of time and past civilizations.

In Mosul, Iraq, the city museum and its collection of Assyrian art is slowly being restored with the help of the Louvre. The old minaret of the Al-Nouri Mosque, a national emblem, is also being restored. Thirty kilometers away, at the Syrian Catholic monastery of Mar Behnam, the mausoleum of a saint that was destroyed by ISIS has been rebuilt. Today, through this rediscovered heritage, the entire population of the region is finding its roots.

Director: Thomas Raguet. Featured places: See more information in Google Maps Buddha of Bamyan Tourist attraction 4.5 (377) Details

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