Friday, August 9, 2024

History of Jewish lies for Zionism: Israel

State of Terror: How Terrorism Created Modern Israel (Suarez) airs on Friday mornings on Pacifica Free Speech Radio, Los Angeles, at 10:00 am.

Zionism: The Back Story
Writings on the Wall: Palestinian Oral Histories
(AR Program #SUAT001) Recorded in Amherst, Massachusetts, on April 16, 2024. The back story in journalism and scholarship uncovers vital information on important issues that had been obscured or omitted. It provides background.

For example, the origin of Zionism [the right to say because the group you identify with was somewhere in the past, that somewhere belongs to you and you can go kill anyone on it to claim it as your own, pay off the authorities, and be recognized as asserting your "right of return," which is helped if you say the Bible is your deed and God is your real estate agent] is usually traced to a pamphlet Theodor Herzl wrote in 1896 called The Jewish State.
However, the eminent Israeli scholar Ilan Pappe writes, “Many people do not know that Zionism began as an evangelical Christian project long before any Jew was thinking about Zionism.

How dare you question Israel! You a Jew hater?

Palestine Hijacked: How Zionism Forged
an Apartheid State from River to Sea
Christian Zionists were advocating the establishment of a Jewish state [to get Jews out of Europe and fulfill their apocalyptic biblical beliefs of rapture and ascension to heaven] in Palestine knowing very well that there were other people living there,” Palestinians, but thought that the creation of a Jewish state would not only advance British imperial interests but also “precipitate the second coming of the Messiah.”

[We have to do whatever we can to get Him off his rump and back down here like he promised because he probably forgot and is running late].
State of Terror (Thomas Suarez)
: Thomas Suárez is a London-based historian. A former West Bank resident, he devoted several years to researching poorly-tapped and newly-declassified historical archives. He is the author of State of Terror, Writings on the Wall, and Palestine Hijacked.

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