The Dharma, sutras, and commentarial interpretations of interest to American Buddhists of all traditions with news that not only informs but transforms. Emphasis on meditation, enlightenment, karma, social evolution, and nonharming.
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Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Red Bull - Energy Drink for Meditation?
(Wisdom Quarterly) We recently came across some crass spiritual consumerism: a new TV commercial for Red Bull. You know, the sugar and caffeine-laden “energy” drink. In this advertise-ment a couple, supplicat-ing a levitating Grand Master dressed in Buddhist robes, asks to know the “ways of meditation.” What does the master do? He offers them a Red Bull, of course. (I know when I think of calming the senses and turning inward, there's nothing like diabetes-inducing rocket fuel to help). The implied message here? Meditation now comes in a can! So all you spiritual buffs, it's off to the local Quickie Mart for some meditating. But ask Apu before you plop down on a cushion in the aisle or even think of lighting incense.
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