Regularly scheduled long exposure camping shot in Joshua Tree National Park,
California caught a meteor
ads it exploded in the sky during a 30 second camera exposure. |
Zion National Park (scottrinck.com) |
Seeing a meteor streak through the night sky takes a certain amount of luck. Turn away for a second, and you could miss it. Capturing one on film is even harder.
So when
photographer Scott Rinckenberger set out to shoot fall landscapes in the West, he wasn't expecting to capture the fleeting image of a
shooting star.
Yosemite National Park (scottrinck.com) |
But when it happened, he knew he'd captured something rare. "Take Two" talked to him about capturing the luckiest shot of his career as part of its occasional series,
Picture This.
"I generally spend my falls spending a lot of time in the outdoors, backpacking, and climbing, and that sort of thing, but late this summer...
Mt. Shuksan, Washington (scottrinck.com) |
"I decided I would hit the road and just go out and try to track down the best landscape and the best weather I could starting in Seattle with a final destination of Joshua Tree National Park down in Southern California."
What happened the last night in Joshua Tree? "I guess I was just looking to get a shot that sort of encapsulated the feeling of camping out in the desert. I think Joshua Tree is such a spectacular landscape.
Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming |
"It's just such a wonderful way to spend the night, watching the stars and hanging out by a campfire that I was just looking for a shot that did a good job of sort of capturing that essence. So it was set up to capture the night sky with the brilliant starscape that was going on, as well as the beautiful camp we had set up among the rocks. It was going to be a good shot, but it turned out to be so much more."
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