Family Guy: Brian takes Alexa ("Randy") to the cinema
"Give me convenience or give me death," declare the Dead Kennedys. It's our all-American motto. Is Alexa (Echo, Siri, etc.) spying on us? It sure is. But that's scary and an unpleasant thought. Internet, convince me it's not so. Here's a load of propaganda to keep you talking (and being spied on by a wire you purchase and conversations you send in to the spying agencies. Thank you for your own demise:
- Is Alexa spying on you? (Opinion - Ad Age, May 29, 2018) ...Some people believe that Alexa is listening all the time. This is true. Some people believe that Alexa records every word for posterity. This is ...
- Is your Amazon Alexa spying on you? (PolitiFact, May 31, 2018) ...Once the stuff of science fiction, voice-activated virtual assistants like the Amazon Echo, Google Home, and Apple HomePod now reside in...
- Is Alexa spying on you? Amazon responds after rogue Echo... (, May 25, 2018) ...Amazon has responded after a U.S. couple had a private conversation recorded and sent to a random contact by their Echo smart speaker...
- How to prevent Alexa from 'spying' on your private conversations (, May 25, 2018) ...Is Amazon's Alexa spying on customers through Echo devices? Not quite.
- Turning an Amazon Echo into a spy device only took some clever... (, April 25, 2018)... Even then, normally Alexa would give a verbal "readback" prompt, letting the user know that it was still actively engaged. The researchers found ...
- It's too easy to trick your Echo into spying on you (, June 1, 2018)... The main reason most people get an Amazon Echo, with its onboard AI servant, Alexa, is convenience. But, after a family in Oregon found out...
- Listen up: Alexa isn't spying on you, and this 'spying'... (, April 28, 2018) ... After the news of a skill that turned Echo speakers into a spying device, I look at the underlying fear it highlights.
- Is Amazon's Alexa SPYING on you? Rise in 'always listening'... (AP via, Jan 5, 2017)... Alexa, are you spying on me? It's a fair question in light of attempts by authorities investigating the slaying of an Arkansas man to obtain voice...
- Amazon Alexa spying scandal creates trust problem... (, May 26, 2018)... Here's how the Alexa spying scandal could become Amazon's worst...Amazon is asking customers to trust it with Alexa and with its retail...
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