Sunday, October 8, 2023

Secret Space: lied to by NASA about it all NASA confirms that aliens exist...; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly COMMENTARY

5. A new resolve to look within solar system
In the past, the search for extraterrestrial life has allowed astronomers and scientists to probe way beyond the range of manned space missions and outside of this solar system. However, in recent times, astrobiologists have beamed their searchlights inwards to bodies inside the solar system that have been previously written off. Jupiter was said to be a ball of gas. But its moon, Europa, now shows prospects of life. More

Nothing can violate the laws of physics, unless we find or-reverse engineer alien tech.

Well, OK, somethings sometimes violate the laws of physics, but we don't know about that.

This desktop globe is not levitating. It looks like it's levitating, but levitation is a myth.

If India believes in UFOs called vimanas or "immeasurable spacecraft," they're dreaming.
The only person who shed light on what was really going on was John Lear, now deceased. He was a pilot who flew for the CIA. His father invented the Lear Jet. And he had many acquaintances in the military-industrial complex and in covert spying agencies. They told him, he claimed, that there were about 42 platforms in space that we the US visited and supplied. Rather than thinking there are this many known planets (plus one or two others, that are not admitted to, like Nibiru and Rahu), there are many moons or satellites, asteroids, comets, motherships, comets, debris piles, portals, wormholes, vimanas (palaces), and spaceships of all descriptions, including our artificial hollow moon and that dog star planet. Lear did not specify nor argue the point. He made the famous statement, "NASA doesn't like about some things. It's all a lie." Everything we're told about space is untrue. Was Lear right? A movie about Lear was to come out but it seems to have just gone away. And now he's dead.

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