Saturday, October 7, 2023

Christopher Columbus: Misunderstood Jew or Genocidal Maniac? (10/8)

Christopher Nyerges (School of Self-Reliance) WTI; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly
Columbus, the Indians, and Human Progress: Howard Zinn (The World Turned Upside Down)

Bloody guilty crimes against humanity by European invaders (
"510 years resistance" vandalism on Christopher Columbus monument
Let's stop celebrating the genocide of An Inglorious Columbus (Edward P. Vining)

Our old roots are under your new land. Maybe you should go back to your cannibalistic, disease ridded continent, and we each stay on our side of the sea?
Kill them ALL, men, and let's let our God figure it out. They're not human or saved like us.

There's a reason CC is maligned today
It's time to learn the truth about Cristobal Columbus, a Portuguese-Italian Converso Jew expelled from his country and motivated by debt to go to Asia by a new passage.

Would he be able to find it? Would he rape and enslave those standing in his way? Would he burn his own crew? Would he be able to get his investors to live up to the contract he squeezed out of them? Find.

Columbus landed in India (actually the Carribean) where he met "Indians," whom he found docile and naive, welcoming and cordial, exchanging trinket gifts with them until he laid down the boom: rape, rampant disease, chattel slavery, forced labor, kidnapping specimen to send them back to Europe like creatures destined for a zoo and indefinite servitude.

Columbus didn't "discover" anything. His fame arose because he went BACK to Europe. Other white men had arrived but stayed and blended in. Columbus had more greed than that. He was here to take it all for the Catholic Church and the highest bidder.

But maybe he wasn't all bad. Sure, he shortchanged his men -- not paying them what he promised -- until they were more indebted and more willing to do anything (think crimes against humanity) for their freedom.

Did he really convert to Catholicism, or was it a cynical bid to be a Crypto-Jew, working for the crown to bring Spain riches and encouraging other Europeans to go, exploit, rape, pillage, conquer, commit genocide, kill off, colonize, and convert the locals to the "right" religion?

Author Christopher Nyerges (an American of Eastern European extraction, born and raised in Los Angeles) presents a report of his findings on the real Columbus. Not Everything can be laid at the feat of this "monster." He may have opened the door and gotten the ball rolling, but the Conquistadores did most of the damage and killing. Conclusion: What day to celebrate, CCD (along with Catholic CCD) or Indigenous People's Day? Both? Neither?

We look forward to Mr. Nyerges' findings, which certainly differ from those of Wisdom Quarterly. Q&A follows. Refreshments. Free/by donation:

Christopher Nyerges (School of Self-Reliance)
Sunday, October 8, 2023, join in a 9:45 am
presentation by author Christopher Nyerges under the banyan tree in the yard at 5835 Burwood Ave., Highland Park. This week's topic is "Columbus," part of a larger week that includes Indigenous Peoples' Day at the non-profit. Donations accepted. No one is turned away. Questions? Call Prudence (323) 620-4720.
Why did US lie to us about this mass murderer?
The presentation was also on Zoom, though the speaker did not mention that would be the case ahead of time and went for two hours of gory details and many different sources. There is no way to defend Columbus for what he did (and he did it more than once).

CONCLUSION: The US should abolish any honor or worship of this madman Columbus. Columbus Day had a good motive, to make Italian-Americans feel good about themselves and their contributions to this great land. Columbus wasn't even actually Italian! He referred to himself as Portuguese. He may have visited Italy or learned something there or played acted being a modern Roman for Rome and the Holy Roman Empire of the Catholic Church. But we do not see the Portuguese or Brazilian American community getting up in arms for their mascot and maniac as he is deposed, dethroned, and tossed onto the heap of failed humanity, the star hypocrite, claiming to be motivated by God and religion and saving the savage heathens.

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