Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Cop of the Year: mistakes acorn for gunshot

Indisputable (TYT); Telegraph, 2/12/24; Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

I will kill you and say I was scared.
"In fear we kill." While he should be imprisoned for attempted murder, paramilitary Deputy Jesse Hernandez is free and resting at home as his fellow police investigators allowed him to quietly "resign" to avoid any charges, burying this humiliating incident in his personnel record where no one can see it, not even the next department to hire him.

He's licensed to kill by Florida, and he was just exercising that right and privilege, as he will do with his personal firearms protecting himself at home and on the street with some concealed carry pistols he might want to hide in his belt or boot.

Cowardly armed US cop shoots at unarmed Black suspect handcuffed in his cruiser after mistaking falling acorn for gunshot
I searched him thoroughly before cuffing him and locking him in the cage built into my patrol vehicle. That's how I knew he might still have a gun to shoot at me...I resign. Cop says acorn made him do it.

(The Telegraph) Feb. 14, 2024: One cop then fellow police in Florida opened fire on a detained and handcuffed suspect sitting in cop's patrol car after claiming to mistake the sound of a falling acorn for a gunshot magically fired from the enclosed squad SUV.

Victim Marquis Jackson, a 22-year-old Black youth, was trapped in the back seat of the police vehicle and was forced to “play dead to prevent getting shot in the head.”

Officers had arrested Mr. Jackson on the morning of Nov. 12 on suspicion of stealing his girlfriend’s car. Although “verbally non-cooperative,” according to a Sheriff’s report, the young man did not offer any physical resistance as he was handcuffed and walked to the police car.

Shoot first, make excuses later: Blame acorns
Bodycam footage shows one of the officers, Sheriff's Deputy Jesse Hernandez, standing outside with a handgun when a small acorn drops ont the roof of his vehicle.

Apparently, he allegedly claims, he believed Mr. Jackson had gotten out of his handcuffs, pulled a gun out of his ***, and started shooting at him and/or the other heavily armed back up officers.

He thought it was a good idea to execute the handcuffed young Black man in retaliation. So he threw himself to the ground, shouting “shots fired” and “I’m hit” for the other officers to kill the suspect -- as he himself attempted to shoot the man and police vehicle to death.

He emptied his semi-automatic service pistol into the police SUV. He then crawled and took cover behind a different vehicle, as other officers opened fire on the suspect, telling his colleague that he was unharmed but that he may have been struck in his protective vest.
[This would constitute attempted murder and justify his and/or their act of killing the young, handcuffed suspect imprisoned in the police vehicle he could not possibly exit without assistance.]

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Cop yells 'Shots fired!' [police code for 'Kill suspect'] and 'I'm hit!' after acorn falls on car, shoots at handcuffed suspect trapped in vehicle
(Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey) Feb. 14, 2024: A Florida cop was allowed to resign from his position as state licensed killer after recklessly shooting at a Black man handcuffed [and presumably frisked and cleared] in the back of his patrol car when he claims he mistook a falling acorn as gunfire. Dr. Rashad Richey and Wosny Lambre discuss on Indisputable.
OKALOOSA COUNTY, Florida (WKRG) — Victim Marquis Jackson recently shared, publicly, the story of what might have been the scariest day of his life. It all began at 8:42 am on Nov. 12, 2023, on McLaren Circle, when the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office received a call of a vehicle driving around honking its horn, disrupting the peace since 3:00 am. A woman called the Sheriff’s Department, accusing Mr. Jackson, 22, of taking a vehicle and sending threats via text message and phone calls."

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