Monday, July 1, 2024

Jesus used drugs: Bible scholar Dr. Hillman

You don't understand. This is how it was, leading a Mystery cult, magic, trying to see GOD.

Ancient language expert: Jesus Christ used children as drugs | Dr. David Ammon Hillman
Jesus: She-Male Gods of...
(Danny Jones) May 20, 2024: KONCRETE Podcast (S1 E239). Watch this episode uncensored and ad-free on Patreon: dannyjones

Dr. David C. Ammon Hillman, Ph.D. earned his master's degree in bacteriology from the University of Arizona and a master's and doctoral degree in classics from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, where he specialized in Ancient Greek and Roman medicine and pharmacology (Greek pharmakos = sorcery, potion brewing, dosing).

His first book, The Chemical Muse, was published with St. Martin’s Press immediately after his dissertation committee forced him to delete all references to recreational drugs from his thesis. Dr. Hillman was recently investigated by the Vatican for demon possession and portal opening while teaching as a professor of Classical Languages.

  • British John Marco Allegro
    00:00 - Religious history
  • 11:24 - Tal Megiddo excavation [site of Armageddon]
  • 16:39 - Original meaning of "Christ" [anointed with drug]
  • 17:51 - Neuropeptides
  • 23:25 - Ancient pharmacology; John Scarborough
  • 28:23 - Galen (Marcus Aurelius doctor) 
  • 33:44 - Drugs in ancient Rome
  • 38:02 - The Chemical Muse
  • 47:11 - Greek Septuagint vs. the Dead Sea Scrolls
  • 55:57 - Greek drug cults
  • 01:03:08 - Solon and the creation of democracy
  • 01:10:21 - The ancient Bible
  • 01:16:40 - Greek came before Hebrew Old Testament
  • 01:19:08 - Interpreting ancient texts
  • 01:24:15 - John Marco Allegro (The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross)
  • 01:28:39 - Why ancient Greek is superior language
  • 01:33:59 - The "Purple" (drug reference)
  • 01:38:23 - Christian cults and revisionism
  • 01:46:49 - The Christ
  • 01:55:52 - Zeus [Je'Zeus, Son of Zeus]
  • 02:05:59 - The Garden of Gethsemane
  • 02:16:46 - The "Burning Purple"
  • 02:27:52 - Death of Jesus
  • 02:41:31 - Using the human bodies to produce drugs
  • 02:43:58 - The men crucified next to Jesus
  • 02:52:08 - Demon possession and opening portals
  • 03:02:03 - Alexander the False Prophet
  • 03:08:46 - Lucifer: The Dawn Bringer
  • 03:17:38 - Modern enlightenment
Original Sin: Ritual Child Rape
ABOUT: Dr. Ammon Hillman earned his MS in bacteriology and Ph.D. in classics from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, where he specialized in Ancient Greek and Roman medicine, pharmacology, and endocrinology. His first book, The Chemical Muse, was published with St. Martin’s Press immediately after his dissertation committee forced him to delete all references to recreational drugs from his thesis. Dr. Hillman was later investigated by the Vatican for "demon possession" while working at Mount Saint Mary's in an effort to expel him.
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