(WSJ) Sensing at age 44 that she was quickly approaching "the age of dis-satisfaction," Katie Smith Milway declared to a friend, "I want to have a positive midlife crisis." She went on to do exactly that. On advice from her friend, publisher Valerie Hussey, Ms. Milway revived her old passion for public service, swapped her corporate consulting job for a post advising nonprofits, and wrote a book for children on helping people in developing lands. The outcome, says the Wellesley, Mass., mother of three, has been "uplifting, and gives me more time for family and community-based work."
(Fiftyisthenew.com) Nowadays, physicians whip out the prescription pad when women my age cross their thresholds. Hot flashes? Prozac! Empty-nest blues? Prozac! Husband suffering midlife crisis? Prozac. (Why the wife must medicate herself when Goofus makes a damned fool out of himself is beyond me, but h*ll, if being stoned [and poisoned and neutralized by a flouride derivative] helps women avoid committing manslaughter, I’m all for it!) My first brush with Prozac came in 1989, after I had been unceremoniously dumped... More>>
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