Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Police cover up: video of Las Vegas ET aliens

UFO Las Vegas [crash] landing definitive proof of extraterrestrials
(ChaosMoogle) June 13, 2023. This is it right here, the most credible UFO report in U.S. history. It was seen by cops, neighbors, and the space aliens [who seem to be large Greys] made themselves known in the yard of a family that called police. That family is now MISSING!

This is the UFO Las Vegas landing in its fullest: the original news footage, footage of the actual aliens, a processed and filtered version of the alien footage to get a better view, still photos with highlights of the strange beings, and a chilling news update about the family all in one video. Stay tuned 🛸 👽

Whistleblower: U.S. has 12 [vimana] craft

12 ALIEN craft in U.S. custody, intel confirms; one source claims pilot found
(The Hill) Premiered June 9, 2023. WASHINGTON, D.C. Twitter Files author Michael Shellenberger weighs in on recent reporting surrounding government UFOs. Government whistleblower David Grusch is either a disinformation plant by the government to deceive the masses about very real things -- space aliens among us and within the military-industrial complex -- or a fearmonger trying to warn the public about a danger.

There are ETs all around us and more coming
Dr. Steven Greer, MD (Sirius), led the Disclosure Project (now seen on Gaia TV), bringing forth many government (military) whistleblowers at great personal risk to themselves. They recorded their statements in Washington, DC, broke their now illegal oaths to deceive the public by keeping quiet, and revealed previously compartmentalized information to each other and the world. The U.S. government maintains secrets by having those individuals charged with keeping quiet know as little as possible about the big picture. Everyone is kept on "a need to know" basis, doing their jobs and having their memory banks cleared, confused, or their reputations put in jeopardy.

Dr. Greer warned over and over that the government's official "disclosure" would be a deception, attempting to frighten us about "dangerous" alien visitors.
  • Abduction tales, an*l probes, frightening encounters with semi-sentient machines known as Greys with their Nordic handlers are said to be U.S. government operations to scare the public.
Aliens have been here for a long time -- many races of them with different agendas -- and he claims they are good and beneficial. Our government wants to scare us, and it isn't very hard to do with fake disclosures, government plants, narrative controllers, and lies lies lies galore from official sources.

There is no reason to wait for disclosure. It already happened a long time ago, according to Dr. Greer. The hope that an official at a podium, someone like Pres. B.S. Obama or Pres. Trump would have the guts to say so live on TV for all the world to hear never materialized. They know better than to bite the hand that actually controls them. The best we could hope for is deception, retractions, and a slow process of revelation. David Grusch, since he promotes fear and terror about what some aliens do or are intent on doing, leads us to conclude he is being manipulated by the government he works for that allows him to blow the whistle, as alien groups have demanded for a long time. But those aliens apparently cannot keep our government for lying even as it actually does reveal and admit there are others. We have never been alone. It is just as it was in ancient times, when the Vedas spoke of these beings and later the Buddha spoke of them. We often speak of all these various beings, such as the:
  • devas (a very general name for beings of light or literally "shining ones" that come in many classes from many planes of existence, including woodland fairies)
  • nagas (reptilians and other "might creatures")
  • supannas (avians)
  • yakkhas (ogres)
  • rakshasas (monsters, demons)
  • asuras (demons, titans)
  • brahmas (divine beings)
  • kumbandhas (trolls, dwarves, elves, gnomes, goblins)
  • petas (ghosts)...

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Always looking for feedback: GroovyTony.com Instagram: ChaosMoogle Twitter: ChaosMoogle Twitch: Chaos_Moogle TikTok: ChaosMoogle PSN: ChaosMoogle. Feedback is always welcome. Let Chaos Moogle know thoughts in the comments section. Or contact him at: GroovyTonyBusiness@icloud.com

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