Sunday, August 13, 2023

Dentist says better than floss: Xylitol (video)

Truth about flossing we aren't being told
I'm a dentist so I know flossing is not the answer.
(Dr. Ellie Phillips) July 11, 2023: The truth about flossing teeth. Most of us have been told our entire life to floss teeth daily because flossing is the staple of a healthy mouth. This is what we are told by dentists, TV, family, and friends. But it's not true, well, not exactly. It could cause harm. There are better things to do (xylitol sugar, licorice, massaging, etc.)

Grow back gums by disinfecting and letting nature do it.
  • 00:00 Intro
  • 00:54 Lack of Science
  • 01:40 How to Floss
  • 02:56 Effects on Oral Health
  • 04:55 Infection Risks
  • 06:12 Flossing Story
  • 08:27 Is Flossing Appropriate?
  • 08:51 Flossing Alternatives
  • 09:41 Bacteria Transmission
  • 10:30 Message to Women/Gum Recession
  • 12:43 Why I Was on the BBC World News
  • 13:26 When to Floss
  • 15:22 Research Studies
  • 18:08 Next Research Study
  • 20:38 3rd Research Study
  • 22:03 Human Microbiome Project
  • 24:49 Importance of Saliva
How often should we floss? The truth of the matter may surprise most people because of what flossing actually means to oral health. Remove cavity bacteria. Keep the mouth clean (not sterile, which only invites infection by harmful bacteria) with the right probiotics (good bacteria).

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