Friday, May 10, 2024

Beyond Chutzpah: On misuse of antisemitism

How dare this Bible (Old Testament Torah)-reading, Mosaic law-following, Talmud-studying, intellectual, honest, Orthodox Jew defend "Palestine" over European Zionism, invasion, and genocide!
Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History.
I am the real king of the Jews. Why don't they worship me and elevate me as the new Messiah?
Ultimate victims: Jews are terrified of the truth
Is criticism of Israel or Zionism "anti-Semitism"? Of course not. But such criticism has been weaponized. Jewish Professor Norman G. Finkelstein, whose relatives were put through the Holocaust, wrote this book. It has an overall score of 4.7 out of 5 stars after 165 ratings

Meticulously researched and tightly argued, Beyond Chutzpah points to a consensus among historians and human rights organizations on the factual record of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Jewish historians for actual history
Finkelstein exposes a pro-Israeli bias in the U.S., corruption of scholarship, and the contrivance of controversy that aims to hide Jewish human rights abuses.

He interrogates the new anti-Semitism, which is mainly levied against Jews who fail to toe the Zionist party line or who otherwise dare step out of line and question Israel's imperial settler colonial project in Israel.

This edition adds a preface analyzing recent developments in Israel's conflict and a new afterword on Israel's construction of a new Berlin Wall in the West Bank.

Pro-Israel IDF means pro-Trump MAGA? No!
Richard Forer provided the inspiration for reading this and similar books to get at the terrible truth about Israel. It helps shatter the myths we were raised with, the lies we were told, the PR that indoctrinated us and makes many Jews racist.

Forer recounted one Jew's spiritual journey on KPFK's Alternative Radio with David Barsamian (5/10/24): Richard Forer in Colorado Springs "On the Psychospiritual Roots of the Israeli Palestinian Tragedy ."

(If one is an antisemite, it is not for criticizing Israel. It is for opposing and calling for the genocide of other Semites, ignoring their right to exist, defend themselves, and be safe in their own land. Semitic non-Jews in the geopolitical Middle East are Semites).
Undue, inordinate influence of Zionist Jews on American government and military plans?

  • Norman Finkelstein, Alias Books, June 2, 2008; Shauna Schwartz, Seth Auberon, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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