Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Every "DRUG" addiction explained, ranked

Every "DRUG" addiction explained and ranked
This ancient Japanese scroll shows hungry ghosts starving, eating feces, suffering greatly.
In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts
(ItsCbdBro) Summer 2024: Drugs are bad for you, so don’t do any. Unfortunately, the world we live in nowadays has made that extremely difficult. We are exposed to substances and drugs so frequently that it’s insane. And, yes, by drugs I mean everything like weed, white sugar, caffeine, nicotine all the way to synthetic fentanyl contaminating most all street drugs and plenty of pharmaceutical ones. Today we are going to run through all the notable substances people frequently use in hopes of educating would-be abusers about them, also helping understand what they do to us and our bodies and how harmful they can be.

(ItsCBD Bro) Faded vs. High: marijuana versus alcohol
The Wisdom of Trauma
  • Remember, according to addiction medicine specialist Dr. Gabor Mate (, NO drug or thing is addictive because if it were, everyone who took it would become addicted, and they don't. He has found that those with early childhood traumas who use drugs (and coping behaviors) become addicted very quickly and intensely, entering what in Buddhism is known as The Realm of Hungry Ghosts, which is a literal afterlife, but Dr. Mate is using it figuratively here because some seem to be there already, in a miserable world of dissatisfaction, want, and misery.
Can't I just stay high forever? The Body Say NO

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