Tuesday, August 6, 2024

French pole vaulter gets porn offer

Hun, we don't need any more vases.
The Olympics are a nasty business, even back in ancient Greek days. The Greeks came up with the gymnasium, from gymnos or "nude," a nasium (training facility) for nudity, where older married men went to:
  • ogle younger single men,
  • form gay relationships with them involving pederasty,
  • stand around naked in front of each other while oiling their bodies,
  • training or socializing, pursuing intellectual and physical hobbies,
  • getting rub downs, showing off wealth and status, and what not.
Bi Greek bearded man kisses boy (Louvre)
We really just watch to see cute athletes in leotards and form fitting bikinis, tights, and swimsuits jumping around, trying to make their country proud. China was No. 1 in Paris, but no American could say so. Patriotism depends on blind devotion. And the Chinese may have been cheating by juicing with steroids, rumor has it.

The original Olympics Games were, it is said, played in birthday suits -- naked, nude, without clothes. No females got to play, and they probably weren't allowed in the audience either. One is reminded of the gay hit song It was a Greek gay fest.

What went wrong?
Does no one think it ironic that he has a wrap-around snake tattoo on his bicep?
(Page Six) French pole vaulter Anthony Ammirati speaks out after his "bulge" (schwanz, wang chung, full monty, johnson, package) cost him an Olympic medal. Losing due to his clumsy knee and slo-mo "boing" has gotten him an offer from an adult website.

If you don't reign it in, that snake will ruin you.
Aug. 6, 2024 (12:05 pm) "When one door closes, another one opens," it is said. Ammirati was left disappointed after his “big” slug, shlomo, shank, pocket pool stick cost him an Olympic medal.

The French pole vaulter went viral losing over the weekend after failing to clear the bar because his knees and crotch got in the way — eliminating him from competition at the 2024 Paris Olympics.

Take the money and run [all the way to Bhutan]?
However, the unfortunate circumstance may have opened up other opportunities for Mr. A. as he was offered a quarter of a million dollars ($250K) to show off his manhood for 60 minutes.

Watch to learn more about the possible light at the end of the tunnel of the one-eyed train headed this way. Subscribe for the latest on favorite stars and celebrities: French pole vaulter Anthony Ammirati speaks out after his bulge cost him a medal, gets offer from adult website (pagesix.com)

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