Sunday, June 6, 2021

Happy D-DAY: Nazis kick the USA's ass (video)

Simple History; LionHeart; Pfc. Sandoval, S. Auberon, Sheldon S., A. Wells, Wisdom Quarterly
Worship of the "All-American" eagle, where does it come from? Avians over Reptilians.

Omaha Beach, D-Day (June 6, 1944)
(Simple History) On June 6, 1944, the Allies (USA and Anti-Nazis) launched the biggest amphibious landing operation the world has ever seen -- Operation Neptune, a catastrophic failure (as in Losing Private Ryan).

Who cancelled US historian Douglas Dietrich?
In all five sectors allied troops, despite the element of surprise, sustained great casualties. However, one of these battles was more devastating than others. At Omaha beach, US soldiers had the greatest difficulties in achieving their objective as the German Nazis succeeded.

The price they paid on this beach, rightfully earned it the nickname "Bloody Omaha."

D-Day: The Great Crusade (British feelgood 1984 propaganda)

(LionHeart Filmworks) This 40th anniversary TV special is a documentary put out in 1984 (any allusion to George Orwell's 1984 is coincidental or imagined). The 40th anniversary ceremonies of the Normandy D-Day landings was special because it was the last great reunion of its veterans. It was in recognition of this fact that Granada Television  produced and broadcast this TV documentary special. 

Thanks, LionHeart, for making me a great villain.
Granada ("grenade") was taking advantage of the opportunity that the 40th anniversary reunion gave them to interview those who participated in this horrible war operation [agreed to by all sides as governments pour their populations into the grinder for profit and economic advantage, as explained in War is a Racket], while placing all their experiences within the tactical and strategic framework of its grand design and recounting moment by moment the unfolding of events in each sector of its fields of operation [and other pro-war jargon to sanitize what is actually being talked about].

A carefully prepared time capsule for those in here and now and afterwards to know first hand from a biased portion of who fought there [excluding of course the German point of view because they lost and have nothing to contribute to an understanding of this history] what tragedy and Allie heroism was found there. A priceless historical treasure for those who idolize World War II. Dulce et decorum est, Kids, pro patria mori. Join the military now, and go kill people everywhere else plus a few domestic assignments to keep down citizen uprisings against law and order and the Pentagon.

Obama and Biden are very pro-war.
(WQ) As Americans we tell ourselves a different story, "propaganda," as if we were the underdogs overcoming the big, bad Boogieman Hitler. We wear the white hate, they the black, and that is never to be questioned. Wisdom/insight might arise that we have been lied to, that what scary Hitler launched lives on in lots of countries in the West, including and perhaps especially the US. After all, Hitler credits the US with both the idea for "concentration camps" (the California Missions when Spain colonized Mexico and crept up into Alta California to destroy the Indians or Indigenous peoples of many first nations that lived in peace with the environment.

The Nazis actually won?
What the hell, Larry! This is what you teach kids?
(WQ) Today is the anniversary of this war disaster. This failure became an eventual victory, we are taught.

Others (see for many of them) say the Nazis won, Hitler survived (after a faked suicide) and moved to Argentina and adjacent Neuschwabenland, and we currently live under Nazi rule due to Operation Paperclip, when the US government lied to us and welcomed Nazis to help develop or revamp the CIA, NASA, the SS (Secret Service), NSA, NSC, and the alphabet organizations that surveil and run our lives. Happy D Day 😷.
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Created by Daniel Turner.  Narrator: Chris Kane (

All This, Scoring Action, Hero Down, by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license. Source: Artist: Act Three by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license. Artist:

Zaloga, Steven, D-Day 1944, Omaha Beach, Osprey Publishing, Oxford, 2003
Zaloga, Steven, D-Day Fortifications in Normandy, Osprey Publishing, Oxford, 2005
Lewis, Adrian R. Omaha Beach: a flawed victory, The University of North Carolina Press, 2001
Natkiel, Richard. Atlas of World War II, Barnes and Noble Books, New York, 2000
Ambrose, Stephen E., D-Day Illustrated Edition, 2014.

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