Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Science: Why do gays talk that way?

It has been said that transsexuality is not really a homosexual issue because homosexuality is about who you sleep with, whereas trans is about who you come as when you sleep with someone. But the T has sucked all the air out of the LGBTQIA+ Room, and not all gays are happy about that.

Why do gay people sound like that!?
Gay? Come on, quit it!! His PR agency got him a beard. What more do you want!?

Gay face? Will this boy grow up gay?
(AsapSCIENCE) June 20, 2024: Gaydar: Is GAY FACE real? • Can you tell somebody is gay from the... There is a lot of new research on the "gay accent" or "gay voice" [a lot of inflections and high-pitched modulations], which is technically not a "lisp" since it is not a mispronunciation but rather an over-pronunciation or over-articulation. Why might it be that gay men and gay women speak differently than hetero people?

References and further reading
Written by Gregory Brown and Mitchell Moffit. Edited by Luka Sarlija. Drawn by Gregory Brown.

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