Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Kama Sutra Love Sounds

Sexual Healing: Tantric Sacred-Spot Massage, 9/3/09) As a teacher of tantra and a sexual healer, I am often surprised at how many women have lingering sexual wounds. These may be from sexual abuse…

Vishuddah: The 5th Chakra
Luminessa Enjara (SF Tantra Examiner)
Have you ever noticed that when you allow yourself to let go and to become vocal while making love, it seems to feel even better? I can remember the first time I did this. It made quite an impact on me. I gave myself full permission to really be loud and make a lot of noise. I felt ecstatic.

It was a wonderfully freeing experience. Making sounds during lovemaking can sometimes be difficult for women. We often cut ourselves off at the throat. We may have been told that it was unladylike or "slutty." Religious standards, shyness, insecurity, all may contribute to being silent in bed.

Men, too, may have difficulty vocalizing during lovemaking. Even if they have been given permission regarding sex in general, most find making sounds unacceptable. More>>