The Dharma, sutras, and commentarial interpretations of interest to American Buddhists of all traditions with news that not only informs but transforms. Emphasis on meditation, enlightenment, karma, social evolution, and nonharming.
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Pornhub conducts statistical analyses of popular views by region (
Are you kidding, I wasn't even getting started. The Internet is down." -
"I know, it's what I mean. You gotta stop watching that stuff and take
care of business in REAL life." (WQ)
…A generation has grown up with easy access to every type of online porn any time they want it. Men, women, and a couple take a frank, detailed look at the impact this is having… How has porn changed what...
Is porn damaging to men's health?(LIVE)
Advice: Porn (STRONG CONTENT!) - suggestions from freewheeling England (BBC)
(BBC, Aug. 15, 2016)Is porn damaging to men's health? According to a top NHS psychosexual therapist, online or Internet porn is causing erectile dysfunction (ED) in young men. Newsbeat's Hannah Moore is joined by Josh, who says porn helps people learn about sex, and former "porn addict" Bethany McDonald. Ask your questions in the comments. #FacebookLive
NewsHour: Young men DAMAGED by porn…Excessive online porn and sexual dysfunction (such as ED or "erectile dysfunction," which can be psychological and/or physiological); Trump's latest speech; how safe are Tazers?
"I'm 31 and a virgin because I'm addicted to porn" …Jim is 31 and a recovering porn "addict" who says porn has stopped him from functioning "normally." He's been telling Newsbeat about the devastating effect it has had on him after he began searching for more…
Brought up on Porn: What you've been telling us …after watching porn. Psychosexual therapist Angela Gregory says more men in their late teens and early 20s are suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED). Increasingly porn is being consumed via smartphones…
"I was watching porn two or three times a day"…she became addicted and was unable to have relationships because of it. Watch Newsbeat's documentary, "Brought up on Porn," on the BBC YouTube channel. The Victoria Derbyshire program is broadcast on...
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