Monday, August 12, 2024

Harvard: Historical Jesus never existed

Harvard philologist says "no historical Jesus"
(MythVision Podcast) Aug. 3, 2022 Harvard philologist says there was "no historical Jesus." His name is Dr. Carl A. P. Ruck (born Dec. 8, 1935, in Bridgeport, Connecticut). He is a professor in the Classical Studies Department at Boston University. He received his B.A. at Yale University, his master's at the University of Michigan, and his doctoral (Ph.D.) degree at Harvard University. He lives in Hull, Massachusetts.

Prof. Ruck is best known for his work along with other scholars in mythology and religion on the sacred role of entheogens (that bring out the divine from within), which are psychoactive plants that induce altered states of consciousness. They have been used in religious and shamanic rituals for millennia.

Dr. Ruck's focus has been on the use of entheogens in classical Western culture, as well as their historical influence on modern Western religions. He currently teaches mythology at Boston University that presents this theory in depth. #mythvision #historicaljesus #mythicist

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