Thursday, December 7, 2023

Herbs and gardening with Kat Maier

Sarah Holmes, Herbal Highway (KPFK), Kat Maier Sacred Plant Traditions Home - Herbal Studies in Charlottesville, VA; Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Overnight, on the Roy of Hollywood Tuckman show "Something's Happening" (A, Hour 2, 12/5/23), The Herbal Highway, out of Berkeley, was playing. It's a show all about herbs and medicinal plants. The latest guest was herbalist Kat Maier (Sacred Plant Traditions).

herbal students gather flowers

Energetic Herbalism (Kat Maier)
Plants are the ultimate alchemists, and the land a plant calls home is part of its medicine story.

This is where apothecary and healing practice begins. When we harvest and work with a medicine, we are gathering so much more than simply the leaf, flower, or root.

Come discover the ease and grace of the oldest medicine on the planet and remember how familiar it actually is.

Experience a unique intake where Kat Maier blends her deep intuitive skills with over 30 years as a clinical herbalist and a background in biomedicine. Mentorship sessions are also available. All are sessions are virtual. Herbal students gather flowers.

Ah, the joy to be in community again. All are invited to join in person with the plants, guest teachers, and a beloved community. Take a look at our day, weekend, and three-month long series. 

Variety is truly the spice of life, and that is what there is online in these offerings. Listen to Kat’s favorite topics along with wonderful guest teachers taking us into profound yet practical teachings.

agrimony on notebook
  • Kat’s new Advanced Clinical Teaching: Crafting Your Herbal Practice
  • Skills and support to nurture clients, their practice, and community
  • Creating the Container: Tending Self, Client, and Community, January – March 2024

The Heart of the Craft: Assessing the Story April – May 2024
Sacred Plant Traditions offerings are crafted to deepen understanding and relationship with plant medicines. We are a woman-owned business, committed to providing safe space for all members of the community. We recognize the need for and continue to deepen our own personal work around the injustices of racism, colonialism, sexism, and gender discrimination.

Sacred Plant Traditions is located on the unceded lands of the Monacan Nation, in what is now called the neighborhood of Belmont, in the town of Charlottesville, in the state of Virginia, on our one and only Planet Earth.

All are also invited to come visit our sweet UpS Botanical Sanctuary. If living on colonized/occupied land, we invite you to research the history of the land and the Indigenous people who lived, or may still live, there. One tool that may help research is the Native Land Map

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