The Dharma, sutras, and commentarial interpretations of interest to American Buddhists of all traditions with news that not only informs but transforms. Emphasis on meditation, enlightenment, karma, social evolution, and nonharming.
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Impossible Ancient Pyramids Prove Everything We Know Is Wrong
Almost everything they teach us about the ancient history is wrong: origin of humans, civilizations, and pyramids. Our scientific instruments are simply not enough to explain the purpose of the oldest pyramids, for example. Mainstream scientists, archaeologists, historians, and anthropologists are often the main obstacle for scientific progress in public's understanding. New dating of Peruvian, Mexican, Chinese, and Egyptian pyramids takes us back long before recognized history and known rulers. The oldest Chinese and Egyptian pyramids are much superior to those made later as unsuccessful replicas. Older ones are built from granite and sandstone blocks, whereas more recent ones are much smaller, built from bricks and mud. Discover the hidden history of ancient pyramids all over the world. What is their function on this planet, what primary roles do they play in the history of humankind ? What is hidden in them really? What have we learned in the past in our history books about these magnificent buildings, and why were we taught what we were taught?
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