Saturday, June 3, 2023

Strawberry Moon Buddhist Observance

Strawberry Moon June 2023, a year with 13 full moons (The Old Farmer's Almanac)

This weekend's Strawberry Moon
(KTLA 5) June 3, 2023. June's full moon is ripe and ready for a star-filled harvest this weekend. Before it illuminates the sky, here's everything to know about the Strawberry Moon from L.A.'s very own KTLA Channel 5 News, keeping Southern Californians informed since 1947.

Now let's hear from the Buddha, keeping humans and shining ones (devas) informed for nearly 30 centuries:

This is the proper way to consider and think when observing Buddhism's Eight Precepts. [When is it observed? It is observed weekly at each of the four phases of the moon, but the full moon feels like a particularly significant for its observance.

SUTRA: "The Eight Factored Lunar Observance"
"The Lunar Observance with Eight Factors in Brief," Saṅkhittūposatha Sutta (AN 8.41)
Thus have I heard. At one time the Blessed One (the Buddha) was living in the City of Sāvatthī, in Jeta’s Grove, at the multi-millionaire Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery. There the Blessed One addressed the meditators saying, “Meditators!”

“Venerable sir,” they replied. The Blessed One then said this:

“Meditators, the lunar observance (uposatha) with its eight factors is very beneficial, brilliant, and expansive. How should it be observed? 

1. “A noble [awakened] disciple thinks and considers, ‘As long as they live, the full enlightened (arahants) give up [abandon, avoid, abstain from] killing living beings, giving up the cudgel and sword. They are very kind and careful with their behavior and live full of compassion for all living beings. I, too, for this day and night shall give up killing [and causing others to kill] living beings, giving up the cudgel and sword. I shall be very kind and careful with my behavior and live full of compassion for all living beings. I shall keep the lunar observance by doing as the fully enlightened do in this way.’ This is the uposatha's first factor.

2. “A noble disciple thinks and considers, ‘As long as they live, the fully enlightened give up stealing. They take only what is given and expect only what is [freely] given. They keep themselves blameless by not stealing. I, too, for this day and night shall give up stealing. I shall take only what is given and expect only what is given. I shall keep myself blameless by not stealing. I shall keep the lunar observance by doing as the fully enlightened do in this way.’ This is its second factor.

3. “A noble disciple thinks and considers, ‘As long as they live, the fully enlightened give up noncelibacy. They are celibate, set apart, avoiding the low practice of sex. I, too, for this day and night shall give up noncelibacy. I shall be celibate, set apart, avoiding the low practice of sex. I shall keep the lunar observance by doing as the fully enlightened do in this way.’ This is its third factor.

4. “A noble disciple thinks and considers, ‘As long as they live, the fully enlightened give up lying [false speech, bearing false witness]. They speak the truth and keep to the truth. They are honest and trustworthy and do not trick the world with their words. I, too, for this day and night shall give up lying. I shall speak the truth and keep to the truth. I shall be honest and trustworthy and shall not trick the world with my words. I shall keep the lunar observance by doing as the fully enlightened do in this way.’ This is its fourth factor.

5. “A noble disciple thinks and considers, ‘As long as they live, the fully enlightened give up intoxicating drinks and drugs. I, too, for this day and night shall give up intoxicating drinks and drugs. I shall keep the lunar observance by doing as the fully enlightened do in this way.’ This is its fifth factor.

6. “A noble disciple thinks and considers, ‘As long as they live, the fully enlightened eat before noon, giving up eating at night and from eating food from midday until dawn the next day. I, too, for this day and night shall eat before noon, giving up eating at night and from midday until dawn the next day. I shall keep the lunar observance by doing as the fully enlightened do in this way.’ This is its sixth factor.

7. “A noble disciple thinks and considers, ‘As long as they live, the fully enlightened give up dancing, singing, music, seeing shows, beautifying and decorating themselves with flower garlands, perfumes, and makeup. I, too, for this day and night shall give up dancing, singing, music, seeing shows, beautifying and decorating myself with flower garlands, perfumes, and makeup. I shall keep the lunar observance by doing as the fully enlightened do in this way.’ This is its seventh factor.

8. “A noble disciple thinks and considers, ‘As long as they live, the fully enlightened give up luxurious and fancy seats and beds. They sleep in a low place, either a small bed or a straw mat. I, too, for this day and night shall give up luxurious and fancy seats and beds. I shall sleep in a low place, either a small bed or a straw mat. I shall keep the lunar observance by doing as the fully enlightened do in this way.’ This is its eighth factor.

“Indeed, the lunar observance with its eight limbs kept in this way is very fruitful and beneficial, brilliant and expansive.”

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