Friday, February 7, 2025

LA Fire FREE healing session (2/8)

As above, so below. There are two stories to The Awareness Center, a Kundalini Yoga studio in Pasadena. Entering the room, participants spread out on borrowed yoga mats on the hardwood floor, most of the group was already on stage, waiting for Seven to make an entrance.

The large shamanic drum began to drone, the bowls came alive with their unique vibrations attuned to each of the chakras, and the rainstick began to pour.

Event details
The natural elements are for us, even fire.
Spend an hour with Dr. Ling O'Connor and healers gathering for a sound bath, deep relaxation, reiki massage, and meditation. 

We're offering a FREE sound bath and emotional healing to support Los Angeles residents affected by the recent fires.
Join Dr. Ling O'Connor, Meditation Guide Seven, musician nurse Devorah Anderson, the Zildjian Mistress Linda Lau Cole, Azalea, Frank, and our very own Urban Shaman Seven for deep relaxation and recentering at The Awareness Center yoga studio in Pasadena.

Experience Tibetan singing bowls, harmonium, shamanic drum, rainstick, temple muyu, gong, and more.

Sound has no power to vibrate or cleanse

Shamans connect us to unseen energies.
This healing session promotes deep relaxation with breath work, emotional release, healing touch, reiki, and physical/spiritual renewal. 

Soothing vibrations restore balance, ease stress and strain, and bring back peace of mind. It's time for the recovery to start by resetting our own nervous systems. First, attend to the body, the mind will follow, and wholeness is in sight.

WHO IS IT FOR? Those most impacted whether emotionally, psychologically, or physically by the Eaton Fire/Los Angeles Fire. (Yeah, this means you). RSVP FREE:

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