Friday, February 28, 2025

Astrology? 7 Planet Parade tonight

Rare planetary alignment: How to see 7 planets in the night sky Friday night
Mercury out of retrograde. Everything to return to normal. To see eighth planet, look down.
(FOX 5 New York) This Friday night, all seven of the other [publicly disclosed] planets in our solar system will be visible in the night sky. This rare celestial event, often called a planetary alignment or "planet parade," a syzygy in astronomy, will offer a stunning view of:
  1. Jupiter,
  2. Saturn,
  3. Mars,
  4. Venus,
  5. Mercury,
  6. Uranus [Your anus? You run us?]
  7. Neptune.
Is astrology real?
The eye in the sky sees all?
There has to be something to it, right? Rich people pay -- and have for millennia paid -- all that money to soothsayers and zodiac readers, prognosticators and cold readers. Poor do no such thing, getting a discount by calling in their questions on 1-900 lines, like good old Miss Cleo. All of that is hogwash, but is the royal astrologer, Nancy Reagan's occultist influencers running the country, Ayurvedic practices derived from the ancient Vedas?

Ronnie runs the Republicans, and I run Ronnie.
Even Buddhist monks get in on the sign readings, even though the Monastic Disciplinary Code (Vinaya) would seem to bar that. First, just because the newspaper astrological forecast is bunk for a popular audience, that doesn't mean there isn't a real thing. Second, just because the reasons given why it works (the minute influence of celestial bodies on us the moment we're born, but not the moment before when we were in the faraday cage of our mother's womb) is farfetched doesn't mean it doesn't work for some reason or another. Third, David Wilcock (aka Edgar Cayce) believes in it.

The flawed Western zodiac missing #13?
Fourth, for thousands of years, from the geniuses of ancient Egypt to the stone builders of the Americas, astronomy and astrology do something to the fancy apes walking obliviously on the surface of this plane, this cakkhavala. Fifth, just because an inordinate number of girls and gays live and die by astrological predictions and star sign personality types (not just in the West but in ancient India, China, and Africa) doesn't mean thousands of years of study and assessment has found nothing.

Horizontal cosmology – Buddhist cosmology
Sixth, if an astrologer can go forward in time to say what's going to happen, okay, maybe that's projection, expectancy, confirmation bias, wish fulfillment, unconscious influence, but if one can go back in time to declare what has happened to you and when, that's a lot harder to explain; the chart knows something.

We'll stick with Buddhist cosmology over NASA
Seventh, the Buddha far from debunking astrology and the occult arts, inadvertently acknowledged it by setting down rules against monastics engaging in the practice for profit. What was he prohibiting, unrealities and popular delusions? We believe, maybe not like fanatic numb numbs with phone apps declaring secret psychological knowledge of personality types based on birthdays, but we believe.

Oops, UFO gets itself on TV news

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