Monday, February 1, 2021

Journeys out of the Body (video)

Robert Monroe on exploring expanded states of consciousness
(Monroe Institute, Jan. 6, 2020) Robert A. Monroe, founder of The Monroe Institute, discusses the experience of exploring higher states of consciousness through OBEs (out-of-body experiences) and audio-induced gamma brainwave states.

"Know the world," the Buddha said

(Ajahn Chah) The Buddha taught, "You should know the world [lokauniverse, the countless world-systems or cakkavalas within the 31 Planes of Existence]. It dazzles like a royal carriage. Fools are entranced. But the wise are not deceived."

It’s not that the Buddha wanted us to go all over the world looking at everything, studying everything about it. He simply wanted us to watch the mind that attaches [craves, grasps, and clings] to the world.

When the Buddha told us to look at the world, he didn’t want us to get stuck in it. He wanted us to investigate it, because the world is born just in this mind. Sitting [in meditation] in the shade of a tree we can look at the world.

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