Tuesday, November 9, 2021

How sick is California COVID-Gov. Newsom?

Editors, Wisdom Quarterly; Jimmy Dore (jimmydorecomedy.com)
Where is future US president and current California Gov. Gavin Newsom? Disappeared (MSN)
Shots, shots, and ever more shots.
The governor mysteriously disappeared and failed to show up for his favorite cause, climate change mitigation. He's a Greta-wannabee, and yet he wasn't there. Where was he? If you believe the politician, he just went off to celebrate Halloween, to be with family. What nonsense.

(TJDS) Gov.Gav disappears after another toxic jab to hide his reaction

Was he infected with COVID after all of his hullaballoos about mandates, state lockdowns, forced vaccinations and booster shots for something that isn't working? Tomorrow (11/20/21) he has a big announcement scheduled. Having survived the recall effort against him, expect to be locked down again or some similar draconian putsch for greater government control of our lives.

Let's go grab toxic caffeine and a vax
It's almost as if the nuts on the right have a point. The nominal left is in bad shape, and where are the real progressives, liberals, and radicals? Off chasing capitalist solutions to climate alarmism? Worried about "variants"?

Not paying attention to a governor who's on the right team doing the wrong things that ultimately benefit the right wing, not regular citizens or the actual left? Won't it be great when he gets to the White House? 🙄

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