Monday, November 8, 2021

Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds, Pt. 1: Akasha

ATWF, 10/30/12; Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Amber Larson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds, Part 1: Akasha
(AwakenTheWorldFilm) All of these films, teachings, and guided meditations are available for free at in various languages. Support by purchasing high quality versions of these films for download or physical products on DVD/Blu-ray.

The Awaken the World Initiative was created for the purpose of humbly serving the awakening of humanity by bringing the perennial wisdom back into the world for free in every language.

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The Buddha began as the Bodhisattva
A series of guided meditations and teachings have been created for those interested in realizing samadhi (playlist...).

Many have sent messages asking where they can practice meditation. Resources: 
  1. The Samadhi Center, Canada, retreats:
  2. Vipassana Insight Meditation (Goenka):
  3. Zen Meditation:
Questions? Contact While they greatly encourage viewers to freely share the links to the films, please do not edit or alter them, re-upload or claim them and/or monetize them on a YouTube channel. Thanks. This YouTube video has "community translations" turned on. To add or contribute to a translation in the YouTube player, click on the "gear" icon, then "subtitles," then click "more," and then click "add translation," or click

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