Portland Indy Media; whistleblower John Gray, PhD; Wisdom Quarterly (Themadshangirocks)

Feminist heroine Gloria Steinem, by her own admission, was funded by the CIA. This makes her an operative, asset, or agent of The Company. Ms. Magazine was a CIA-funded publication. This blockbuster revelation first came to light in her autobiography. Dr. John Gray, author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, revealed the shocking truth on Coast to Coast (March 4, 2012). But it goes to a much deeper than accepting money to make a magazine, which is still being printed and pretending to be radical. The move was part of a government operation -- turning society on its Puritan head by forcing women into the working world in America. They now make up most of the US workforce. And while gender equality is a wonderful thing, and the chance to work is wonderful thing as well, gender wars and being forced to work are nothing to thank the CIA for.

[I]t turns out that all along, feminism was a CIA plot to undermine the left. Don't just take it from me. Mark Crispin Miller, author, professor of media studies at NYU, and host of New York's Notes from Underground book event, raised the issue himself when challenged about the all-male, all-white, all-over-40 lineup of his panel on The Future of Occupy Wall Street. Later, a young woman in the audience told me that it felt, to her, no different than watching an all-male lineup on Capitol Hill debate the future of women's rights in America on television that morning.
The CIA gets around

A young 14th Dalai Lama is accused of much the same thing, acting as a CIA asset decades ago in Tibet. He was spirited away to Dharamsala, India, where the Powers That Be (which act through the CIA, Pentagon, and other war-loving spying agencies but are the Military-Industrial Complex) installed Tibet's government in exile. Did American officials help beautiful Tibet and its Pope/King out of compassion of love of Vajrayana Buddhism? No, the US MIC did it for long term strategic influence in the region and to promote covert wars against China and India, Afghanistan and Pakistan Russia and Tajikistan. Who keeps the war in Kashmir alive and the arms flowing? Let us never ask that because it might embarrass a celebrity monk, a great man, and a bodhisattva.
The moral of the story? The CIA does not care about women any more than it cares about Buddhists or Tibet. Sure it does; it gave them money! It would just as soon give the Black Panthers or "Al Qaeda" money to prop them up only to then train paramilitary forces to take them down or cynically exploit them for their own ends. What are their "ends"? Slavery and war.
- Gloria Steinem, Henry Kissinger have CIA in common
- Portland.indymedia.org
- Who is Gloria Steinem?
- Youthful rebellion turning inward and deadly There is plenty of "awareness" about eating disorders in the media but just as much complicity with the idea that starvation is a legitimate expression of female distress.
- Henrymakow.com: Inside the CIA with Gloria Steinem

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