The great thing about the "Hunger Games" is the message that in the future, everyone is hot! This record breaker is a new Hollywood remake of old Hollywood's "Logan's Run." But now it's about starving teenagers under an elite 1% rather than a forever-young society where anyone who turns 30 gets killed by prior agreement -- unless one decides to run. That's where sandman Logan comes in. The tables are turned on the establishment. This cheesy futuristic film of the seventies looks a lot better here with its deleted scenes restored and alternative footage (thanks to Greathall75, who explains that the primary audience for this extended trailer was theater owners deciding whether or not to carry the film). "Logan's Run" became a classic, and the "Hunger Games" franchise is sure to be a massive blockbuster and golden goose. Read the books. More
"4:44 Last Day on Earth"
(TrailerObsessed) The Dalai Lama appears along with many Buddhist images and references. A couple in love live in an apartment high above the city. He's an actor. She's a painter. This afternoon is like any other, except with one difference: The world will end tomorrow at 4:44 am. The final meltdown comes with a warning but with no means of escape. There will be no survivors. (Watch it at mubi.com).
Asura mythology: "Wrath of the Titans"
(MovieclipsCOMINGSOON) Perseus embarks on a treacherous quest into the underworld to rescue Zeus, who has been targeted for capture by his traitorous son, Ares, and his brother, Hades. Five years after his first adventure, Perseus rules Argos with Andromeda at his side and a newborn baby as their heir. But in the shadows lurks Calibos, the cursed "demon" thought dead now out for revenge. Not only the Greeks but ancient Indians and Buddhists believed in the lore of the titans (asuras) and demigods (devas), who mated humans. A collective or archetypal memory of advanced alien visitors, Annunaki or Nephilim, who descended from space to establish empires in ancient pre-biblical lands of Sumer, Egypt, Greece, Mesopotamia, Babylon, and the mysterious East. Teaser. The same theme was explored in the films "Immortals" (with beautiful oracles) and "Thor" (about Nordic space aliens). PROMETHEUS: A team of explorers (with Charlize Theron) discover a clue to the origins of humankind on Earth, leading them on a journey to the darkest corners of the universe. There they must fight a terrifying battle to save the future of the human race. A movie by Ridley Scott.
Blaze of Glory: The Toulouse Gunman Story
(ITN) In a world where European jihadists go apesh*t on Jewish school children and innocent cops, where it takes a paramilitary force of 300 to try to bring in one man alive, Mo Merah ain't going out like that. Not with Al Qaeda's blessings and Sarkozy's political future on the line. Watch the gripping true life tale of an angry pretext for a French clampdown on civil liberties and Internet freedoms. It's all in the name of greater "security," so fear not Francophiles. The safety you demanded is now mandatory. Read more in the US and directly from the BBC.
"The Expendables II"
(AllBallsEntertainment) Can't get enough killing with your extra large popcorn? Ultra-violence is the playground of a sexually repressed society. So if you haven't gotten enough of war-glorifying movies (that quietly normalize empire), how about films with real soldiers as actors and the US military winning Hollywood's help to find recruits for the US/MIC's wars abroad and spying on the homeland? Here is the ultimate testosterone-poisoned movie event of the year: Sylvester Stallone (Rambo), McGarnical (The Simpsons), Chuck Norris (Texas Ranger), Arnold Schwarzenegger (aka "McBain," failed California governor), Ashton Kutcher's dad (that bald guy, Demi's ex), and every action star with, inexplicably, the exception of Buddhist Steven Seagal.
From "Top Gun" to disgusting acts of murder, preemptive invasion, war crimes, and imperialism collectively renamed an "Act of Valor," this *ick flick is sure to keep the men in the family cooing and calling their friends:
"Act of Valor" - How Hollywood Helps the M.I.C.
(MovieclipsTRAILERS) When the rescue of a kidnapped CIA operative leads to the discovery of a deadly "terrorist" plot against the US, a team of SEALs is dispatched on a worldwide manhunt. As the [mercenaries] of Bandito Platoon race to stop a coordinated attack that could kill and wound thousands of American civilians, they must balance their commitment to country, team, [apple pie], and their families back home. "Act of Valor" uses active-duty US Navy Seals as ham "actors." The characters they play are fictional and their thespian skills laughable, but the deadly weapons and tactics used are REAL. And now that the NDAA (the indefinite detention bill signed into law by Commander in Chief Obama) makes every American civilian a legitimate target simply under a secret allegation of anyone being a "belligerent," a "domestic 'terrorist,'" or an Occupy protester, the guns may be aimed at us.
"Hell and Back Again" (real life war)
(MovieclipsTRAILERS) Embedded with US Marines' Echo Company in Afghanistan, photojournalist and filmmaker Danfung Dennis reveals the devastating impact a Taliban machine gun bullet (shot by a jihadist trying to defend from infidel thieves after an oil pipeline, rare earth minerals, and world domination through strategic influence of the region) has on the life of an invading 25-year-old Sergeant Nathan Harris, an imperial soldier for the US military-industrial complex. The film seamlessly transitions from stunning war reportage to an intimate, visceral portrait of one man's personal struggle at home in North Carolina, where Harris confronts the physical and emotional difficulties of re-adjusting to civilian life with the love and support of his wife, Ashley. Masterfully contrasting the intensity of the frontline with the unsettling normality of home, "Hell and Back Again" lays bare the true cost of war.
"Last Days Here" - destruction turned inward
(MovieclipsTRAILERS) This documentary from Don Argott and Demian Fenton is a raw, real-life, yet unexpectedly touching portrait of cult metal legend Bobby Liebling, chronicling his bid to resurrect his life and career after decades of wasting away in his parents' basement. Liebling made his mark in the '70s as the outrageous frontman of Pentagram, a "street" Black Sabbath whose heavy metal riffs once blew audiences' minds. But various acts of self-destruction, multiple band break-ups, and botched record deals eventually condemned his music to obscurity. Now in his 50s, wasted by hardcore drug (heroin, meth, and crack) use and living on the charity of his ever-patient mother and father (a former Nixon advisor), Bobby's music is finally discovered by the heavy metal underground. For over three years filmmakers (and metal musicians) Argott and Fenton are witnesses to his unbelievable journey, following the triumphs and downfalls of this underground icon at the crossroads of life and death. More
Bjork's Army of Me ("Sucker Punch" remix)
(RobbieAlterno) Imagine if someone thought to mix senseless violence and demeaning sex? "Sucker Punch" explored the concept in a futuristic fantasy film about Nazis, strippers, and very strong girls who can at least dream of fighting and killing the way men are taught to heartlessly fight and kill. "Go along to get along," or what was the message being sent by Hollywood accompanied by a great Bjork song?
(TrailerObsessed) The Dalai Lama appears along with many Buddhist images and references. A couple in love live in an apartment high above the city. He's an actor. She's a painter. This afternoon is like any other, except with one difference: The world will end tomorrow at 4:44 am. The final meltdown comes with a warning but with no means of escape. There will be no survivors. (Watch it at mubi.com).
Asura mythology: "Wrath of the Titans"

Blaze of Glory: The Toulouse Gunman Story
(ITN) In a world where European jihadists go apesh*t on Jewish school children and innocent cops, where it takes a paramilitary force of 300 to try to bring in one man alive, Mo Merah ain't going out like that. Not with Al Qaeda's blessings and Sarkozy's political future on the line. Watch the gripping true life tale of an angry pretext for a French clampdown on civil liberties and Internet freedoms. It's all in the name of greater "security," so fear not Francophiles. The safety you demanded is now mandatory. Read more in the US and directly from the BBC.
"The Expendables II"

From "Top Gun" to disgusting acts of murder, preemptive invasion, war crimes, and imperialism collectively renamed an "Act of Valor," this *ick flick is sure to keep the men in the family cooing and calling their friends:
"Act of Valor" - How Hollywood Helps the M.I.C.
(MovieclipsTRAILERS) When the rescue of a kidnapped CIA operative leads to the discovery of a deadly "terrorist" plot against the US, a team of SEALs is dispatched on a worldwide manhunt. As the [mercenaries] of Bandito Platoon race to stop a coordinated attack that could kill and wound thousands of American civilians, they must balance their commitment to country, team, [apple pie], and their families back home. "Act of Valor" uses active-duty US Navy Seals as ham "actors." The characters they play are fictional and their thespian skills laughable, but the deadly weapons and tactics used are REAL. And now that the NDAA (the indefinite detention bill signed into law by Commander in Chief Obama) makes every American civilian a legitimate target simply under a secret allegation of anyone being a "belligerent," a "domestic 'terrorist,'" or an Occupy protester, the guns may be aimed at us.
"Hell and Back Again" (real life war)
(MovieclipsTRAILERS) Embedded with US Marines' Echo Company in Afghanistan, photojournalist and filmmaker Danfung Dennis reveals the devastating impact a Taliban machine gun bullet (shot by a jihadist trying to defend from infidel thieves after an oil pipeline, rare earth minerals, and world domination through strategic influence of the region) has on the life of an invading 25-year-old Sergeant Nathan Harris, an imperial soldier for the US military-industrial complex. The film seamlessly transitions from stunning war reportage to an intimate, visceral portrait of one man's personal struggle at home in North Carolina, where Harris confronts the physical and emotional difficulties of re-adjusting to civilian life with the love and support of his wife, Ashley. Masterfully contrasting the intensity of the frontline with the unsettling normality of home, "Hell and Back Again" lays bare the true cost of war.
"Last Days Here" - destruction turned inward
(MovieclipsTRAILERS) This documentary from Don Argott and Demian Fenton is a raw, real-life, yet unexpectedly touching portrait of cult metal legend Bobby Liebling, chronicling his bid to resurrect his life and career after decades of wasting away in his parents' basement. Liebling made his mark in the '70s as the outrageous frontman of Pentagram, a "street" Black Sabbath whose heavy metal riffs once blew audiences' minds. But various acts of self-destruction, multiple band break-ups, and botched record deals eventually condemned his music to obscurity. Now in his 50s, wasted by hardcore drug (heroin, meth, and crack) use and living on the charity of his ever-patient mother and father (a former Nixon advisor), Bobby's music is finally discovered by the heavy metal underground. For over three years filmmakers (and metal musicians) Argott and Fenton are witnesses to his unbelievable journey, following the triumphs and downfalls of this underground icon at the crossroads of life and death. More
Bjork's Army of Me ("Sucker Punch" remix)
(RobbieAlterno) Imagine if someone thought to mix senseless violence and demeaning sex? "Sucker Punch" explored the concept in a futuristic fantasy film about Nazis, strippers, and very strong girls who can at least dream of fighting and killing the way men are taught to heartlessly fight and kill. "Go along to get along," or what was the message being sent by Hollywood accompanied by a great Bjork song?
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