Dr Brandenburg says Mars once had an Earth-like climate home to animal and plant life, and any intelligent life would have been about as advanced as the ancient Egyptians on Earth
Dr.  Brandenburg says his theory could explain the Fermi Paradox -- namely why, if the universe is abundant with life, we haven't heard anything from anyone else yet.

He warns, though, that we need to be fearful of an attack on our own planet, and should mount a manned mission to Mars to know what we're up against.

'Providentially, we are forewarned of this possible aspect of the cosmos,' he writes.

'The author therefore advocates that a human mission to Mars is mounted immediately to maximize knowledge of what occurred.'

UFO expert Nigel Watson, author of the Haynes UFO Investigation Manual, told MailOnline that Dr Brandenburg is not the first to suggest Mars was 'murdered' by nuclear explosions.

"These stories and many variations of them present a view that our Solar System was the home of several nuclear battles raged between alien visitors and settlers," he said.

"Much of the evidence is either channeled through automatic writing, psychic messages or the interpretation of ancient texts.

"Although Brandenburg's theory is on more solid ground, it still amounts to speculation based on our present-day awareness of the power of nuclear weapons and our fear of its misuse.

"It is a warning that we could do the same to our own planet and underlines the belief of many scientists that we have not detected intelligent life elsewhere in the universe because at some point civilizations will become extinct either through catastrophe or self-destruction." More

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a nuclear isis thats what we need population out control greed religion it would probably be good to start again with out religion communism capitalism sexism etc

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I, for one welcome our bomb delivering overlords.

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Actually there are some who believe that the Bible better translated would be "and the Earth BECAME formless and void" in Genesis, and there are two mentions of Rahab and who how God dashed it to pieces . This would be the missing planet between Mars and Jupiter where there is an asteroid belt.

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Actually there are some who believe that the Bible better translated would be "and the Earth BECAME formless and void" in Genesis, and there are two mentions of Rahab and who how God dashed it to pieces . This would be the missing planet between Mars and Jupiter where there is an asteroid belt.

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We would be mad to think that we are the only intelligent beings in the universe .However any intelligent being would be nothing like us. We could use our imagination to think what it may be like, but it would be so different to us that not even the wildest imagination would get it right . Certainly there would be no little green men or gray anything. It could be extremely dangerous to us , if ever it got here. The reason we have never heard anything out there , is simply because we have not reached the stage in communications that an alien would use ,thousands of years ahead of radio frequencies !

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At the moment nobody actually knows if there is life on any other planet, so claiming anyone who thinks that there might not be is mad is a bit over the top.

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I think they would be more like us than we imagine if they developed in a similar world to our own with the same rules and same conditions that dictate survival then evolution is gonna end up with similar results they won't be exactly the same but the things we poses that allowed us to become as advanced as we are will be the same there are many diffeernt types of animals on earth but only one design has come as far as we are


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Just a theory ?? I Quote from Wikipedia - "A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is acquired through the scientific method and repeatedly tested and confirmed through observation and experimentation." "Scientific theories are testable and make falsifiable predictions." This IS NOT A THEORY - it is a postulation. It is a hypothesis, conjecture, hypothesis or a 'maybe' but a "scientific theory' it is not. The is not PROOF or any basis for such a thought process. The DM will print any rubbish these days.


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F-bomb wiped out these ancient Martian civilisation more like.


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We'll be okay we've got the Doctor.


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anyone here knows the name of his dealer ? id like to try that sh__

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Anyone here knows the name of his dealer , thats some hardcore sh__ , oh id def like to try that

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