TheUwagaPies (video); Pfc. Sandoval, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly
米海兵隊から禅僧へ [ドキュメンタリー]. A Tofu Media ( Production, Krzysztof Gonciarz and Kasia Mecinski.
Scott Mangis is a former United States Marine who now lives life as a Zen Buddhist monk
near Tokyo, Japan. Viewers are given a chance to explore Ven. Scott's life story and the path that lead him
to completely change his way of living for the better.
(Shodo Ji Shin) I'm also a Zen priest and will be moving to a temple in Japan in a few days. I look at this film and see my life as very similar -- although I have been a university lecturer and not a Marine. I enjoyed the video very much. Bowing, Shodo