Editors, Wisdom Quarterly based on Buddhanet.net (abbreviated Pali chant)
Discourse on Great Blessings (Maha-Mangala Sutta)
Êvam mê suttam êkam samayam bhagavâ Sâvatthiyam viharati Jêtavanê Anâthapindikassa ârâmê, atha kho aññatarâ dêvatâ abhikkantaya rattiyâ abhikanta vannâ kêvalakappam Jêtavanam bhâsetvâ, yêna bhagavâ tênupasamkami. Upasam kamitvâ bhagavantam abhivâdetvâ êkamantam atthâsi. Êkamantam thitâ kho sâ dêvatâ bhagavantam gâthâya ajjhabhâsi. Bahû dêvâ manussâ ca mangalâni acintayum. Âkankhamânâ sotthânam brûhi mangala muttamam. Asêvanâ ca bâlânam panditânam ca sêvanâ. Pûjâ ca pûjaniyânam êtam mangala muttamam...
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Check this out, Mr. Pope, ancient relics. |
This sutra was delivered by the Buddha in the City of Vesali, whose citizens appealed to the Buddha for help because they were afflicted by famine, pestilence, and disturbances from foul spirits.
As a mark of protection for the people of Vesali, the Buddha delivered this sutra to exorcise these spirits as part of getting the pestilence to subside.
Whatever beings are assembled here, terrestrial or celestial, may they all be happy! Moreover, may they listen attentively listen.
Accordingly, give heed, good beings. Show love to these human beings, who day and night bring offerings. Guard them zealously.
Whatever treasure there is, either here or in worlds beyond, whatever precious jewel in the precious jewel. By this truth may there be happiness!
The tranquil Sage of the Shakyas realized that cessation, passion-free, Deathless (nirvana) supreme. There is nought comparable with to Dharma. In truth, in the Dharma is this precious jewel. By this truth may there be happiness!
That enlightenment praised by the Buddha supreme is described as "concentration without interruption. There is nought like that concentration. In truth, in the Dharma is this precious jewel. By this truth may there be happiness!
Those eight individuals,* praised by the virtuous, constitute four pairs. They, who are worthy of offerings, disciples of the Welcome One -- to these gifts given yield abundant fruit. In truth, in the *[Noble] Sangha is this precious jewel. By this truth may there be happiness!
With steadfast mind, applying themselves thoroughly in the dispensation of the Buddha, exempt (from passion), they have attained to "that which should be attained" and, plunging into the Deathless, they enjoy peace obtained without price. In truth, in the [Noble] Sangha is this precious jewel. By this truth may there be happiness!
Just as a firm post sunk in the earth cannot be shaken by the four winds, even so do I declare him to be a noble person who thoroughly perceives the [Four] Noble Truths. In truth, in the [Noble] Sangha is the precious jewel. By this truth may there be happiness!
Those who comprehend clearly the [Four] Noble Truths, well taught by him of wisdom deep, do not -- however exceeding heedless they may be -- undergo an eighth rebirth. In truth, in the [Noble] Sangha is this precious jewel. By this truth may there be happiness!
For one with the acquisition of insight, three conditions come to nought, namely: self-illusion, doubt [about the Buddha, Dhama, or Sangha], and clinging to (useless) rites and ceremonies [that in themselves are incapable of resulting in enlightenment], should there be any.
From the four states of misery [below the human plane of rebirth], one is absolutely freed and is incapable of committing the six heinous crimes [that would lead to rebirth on those planes]. In truth, in the [Noble] Sangha is this precious jewel. By this truth may there be happiness!
Whatever harmful deeds one does, whether by body, word, or thought, one is incapable of hiding it. For it has been said that such an act (kama) is impossible for one who has seen the Path. In truth, in the [Noble] Sangha is this precious jewel. By this truth may there be happiness!
Like unto the woodland groves with blossoming tree tops in the first heat of the summer season has the sublime doctrine, which leads to nirvana, been taught for the highest good. In truth, in the Buddha is this precious jewel. By this truth may there be happiness.
The unrivalled Enlightened One, the Knower, the Giver, and the Bringer of the Excellent has expounded the excellent Dharma. In truth, in the Buddha is this precious jewel. By this truth may there be happiness!
Their past is extinct, fresh becoming there is not, their minds are not attached to a future rebirth, their craving grows not -- and those wise ones go out even as this lamp. In truth, in the [Noble] Sangha is this precious jewel. By this truth may there be happiness!
We beings here assembled, whether terrestrial or celestial, salute the Accomplished Buddha, honored by devas and humans. May there be happiness!
We beings here assembled, whether terrestrial or celestial, salute the Accomplished Dharma, honored by devas and humans. May there be happiness!
We beings here assembled, whether terrestrial or celestial, salute the Accomplished Sangha, honored by devas and humans. May there be happiness!
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