Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Turkey/Syria hit by deadly massive quakes

When the NSA rules the world
A caller phoned into to Coast to Coast ( Host Lisa Garr and told her these quakes, which have killed more than 45,000, were not natural occurrences. They were coverts acts of war by the United States, revenge for something Turkey and Syria had done to displease the Empire. When the powers that be make a threat, the little countries had better fall in line, or else. Look what our military did to Japan (Fukushima, Hiroshima, Nagasaki). Stewart Swerdlow says we were directly responsible for the massive tsunami that took out Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Japan, and other Asian coastal regions, when we were powering up a certain chair to manipulate time and space, toying with another Montauk Project. Moreover, one of the purposes of HAARP is to create quakes wherever we want to strike from a distance with "natural" disasters other, weaker countries cannot afford to recover from. Then we rush in with the "foreign aid" and arrest their development, turn them over to the economic hitmen or jackals, and control them from there on in. When "rainbows" flashed over Iran and China, that was HAARP in action.
It's not just the CIA but the NSA, NSC, and others

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