Sunday, January 7, 2024

Science: Before Big Bang, the universe existed

Family Guy; BeeyondIdeas, 11/2/23; Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Hubble did it first even if it didn't do it better. Now Webb is wowing public. Crab Nebula above

"This universe existed before the Big Bang" ft. Roger Penrose

(BeeyondIdeas) Let's unravel the mysteries surrounding (our) Big Bang. Was it truly the beginning of everything?

31 Planes/Zones of Existence
[No, obviously not. In Buddhist cosmology, the universe (multiverse) is aeons (kalpas) old, ordinary aeons and great aeons, of incalculable lengths as the universe arises, expands, disintegrates, goes into a state of chaos, and arises again, cyclically, repeatedly, endlessly.

It is unclear what constitutes a universe, the everything, because there are world systems (cakkavalas), and each world system is similar to the countless others, like bubbles in space. If each constitutes a universe, a self-contained system of planets and stars and a diverse population of creatures, then we live in a multiverse with such universes extending out in 10,000 directions.

There are 31 Planes of Existence, divided into three spheres, our Sensual Sphere, the more subtle Fine Material Sphere above us, and the Immaterial Sphere, which is formless, above that. These 31 Planes are general categories with countless individual worlds and inhabitants. Space is big, very big, and multidimensional, so it's even bigger than we can imagine.

Could order ever emerge from chaos, Bill Nye?

Keplers supernova remnant is a (wiki)
So from a Buddhist cosmological point of view, if a "Big Bang" is the initial point of an expanding universe, this is just a phase after a lengthy period of contraction. After expanding, it dissipates into chaos for a lengthy period. But after a time, it again establishes order and regularity, and this is a new beginning, a Golden Age or Satya Yuga, an Age of Truth. We are currently in a Kali Yuga, but it is hard to say because within these massive cycles there are subcycles, mini periods of revolution, of dark and bright, cycles within cycles.

And it just goes on this way without end and, therefore, without a discernible beginning, which is not to say there was not one, only that it cannot now be found. And we cannot reason our way there. It is one of the Four Imponderables.

One would sooner become deranged, a "mad scientist," before settling on a satisfactory answer. And, in any case, it would not actually be satisfactory, like The God Idea as the cause of all things, with Maha Brahma (the "Great Supremo") as the cause of all things, which the Buddha declared a wrong view.
God creates the universe with his friend Chugs.
A creator god is as good as any explanation only because it stops all further searching. It is said that science is ridiculous in positing a Big Bang as a first cause because in doing so it is saying, "Everything is rational, mechanical, explicable, and understandable IF you just give us this one bit of irrational, supernatural, inexplicable, and nonsense Big Bang magic as the cause and origin of everything.]
🔍 Want to support production? Feel free to join our membership at BeeyondIdeas... Special thanks to beloved YouTube members this month: Poca Mine, Powlin Manuel, Gregory Stone, Lord, Saïd Kadi, and Brad Clemmer. 🚀 Experts featured in this video include Roger Penrose and Paul Steinhardt. #BigBang #Infinity #CyclicUniverse

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