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Hitler Bad, Vandals Good (punk rock band album) |
Policies that were anti-Semitic led to the deaths of thousands of Jews living in Nazi-controlled German areas during WW II. Although an exact figure of how many Jews Hitler’s reign systematically killed [accidentally by disease and malnourishment in concentration camps following the example of America and its California Mission system of concentration and ethnic cleansing or intentionally for vivisection, experimentation, and labor exploitation], some historians push the estimate up to approximately 6 million.
- [This exaggerated number seems impossible as there were not that many Jews in Germany or the areas the Nazi over which they took control. They are not named or cataloged, even though German accountants kept track of minute details of their projects. It was likely not an extermination of people campaign but of lice and other vermin, for which the "gas" (the brand name pesticide Zyklon B) was used as a pesticide and insecticide, for the purpose of delousing, but this is forbidden to say, verboten, because it goes counter to the narrative we are all fed in the West, particularly in the USA. The doors to the "gas chambers" did not lock from the outside, a small but telling detail as to their true purpose; a jail is not built that prisoners can simply open by pushing. To say so, or dare to question mainstream "history," is to risk accusations of holocaust denial. Only Eric Dubay (Adolf Hitler vs. The {expletive} World Order by Eric Dubay on bitchute.com) seems to consider these possibilities publicly, though many may question what we are taught de rigueur in private].
Early Life of Adolf Hitler
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A tough childhood and daddy issues |
Hitler refused to follow a similar career as his father’s. Adolf wanted to become an artist, whereas his father was a customs officer. However, twice he failed to get admission to the General School of Painting at the Viennese Academy of Fine Arts [due to less than inspired art, leading some to ponder how much less bad the world would be for one more dull artist rather than a genius dictator].
[We are not historians, and we do not have an agenda, but we are open and willing to question and hear counternarratives that oppose the lies our teachers told us in public school, like those about Columbus. Whether or not he was a racist fascist, which Hitler seems to have been, judging by the only things we're taught about him, he nevertheless seems to have been a dictator and nationalist.]Wait, our biased teachers lied to us? - [Nazi Propaganda Minister appropriated elements of Indian Buddhism and repurposed them to mythologize Nazi leader Hitler, such as the swastika (which Hitler inverted and tilted and turned into a corporate symbol and brand), Aryans (which turned "noble" or enlightened into white supremacist) and the concept of the Übemensch or "over man" as one who has attained spiritual liberation and gnosis, the "world monarch" or chakravartin, vegetarian diet or never being seen eating in public as if one fasts or is not an ordinary human being but a "superman," and perhaps most harmfully turning the expression "final solution" into a plan for expelling Jews from Germany, as so many other countries had done down through history.]
- [They say, “The winner’s write history.” It is absolutely true; the most egregious example in modern times has to be the mainstream (mis)understanding of Adolf Hitler and pre-WWII Germany. Hitler was actually a vegetarian {This is very doubtful, arising from the fact that Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels tried to shroud Hitler in a veil of superhuman mystery, following the occult example of a chakravartin or "world monarch," a popular figure in Dharmic religions like Buddhism.}, animal-lover, author, and artist, a political activist, economic reformer, and Nobel Peace Prize nominee. He enacted the world’s first anti-animal cruelty, anti-pollution, and anti-smoking laws. Unlike the demonic portrait the history written by the winners has painted of him, Hitler was beloved by his people, and he wanted peace. {It seems, however, he also wanted to rule the world, as do most leaders.} From 1933-1940 Hitler tried repeatedly to make peace with the Jews and “Allied” Forces, even calling for complete disarmament on everyone’s part. He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1939, the year he was attacked on his own soil after repeatedly pleading for peaceful solutions. In 1936, 99% of Germany's registered voters went out to vote, and 98.8% voted for Hitler. The Jewish influenced/controlled media has painted a picture of pure evil ever since. This Jew or New World Order has even enacted laws in 18 European countries prohibiting free speech regarding the issues of Judaism and the Holocaust and Israel's national war against Palestinians, explains Dubay.]
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He's pure evil. Look at his eyes! |
Politics of Adolf Hitler
During WWI, he enlisted into the Bavarian part of the German Army. There, one of his roles was that of a trench runner. He was, according to himself, one of the only 42 survivors out of a company of 250 strong men. He also received the Iron Cross twice for his bravery.
Hitler’s emergence on the political scene began in 1919 in Munich. He joined as a speaker for the German Workers Party. In just two years, he officially became the chairman of the NSDAP in July 1921. The party was also referred to as Hitler’s Nazi Party.
Hitler’s first attempt to grasp power was when he -- with 2,000 of his brown shirt Nazi supporters -- tried to seize power in Munich in November 1923. The coup, however, failed. Hitler was charged with treason upon his arrest.
The political establishment of Munich did not want to give rise to rumors of being accomplices in the coup, so they kept the matter quiet. The trial ended in disappointment for those who were hoping to put an end to Hitler’s political career. They released Hitler from prison just after nine months of his five-year sentence. However, he was no longer allowed to make public speeches.
This did not stop him from using his extraordinary orating skills in private gatherings. His speeches gave his followers a vision of "a new Germany." The Nazi Party gradually transformed from a small Workers Party to the largest elected party in the country’s parliament. More
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