Monday, February 6, 2023

Man turns into body-modification alien (video)

KingofwierdCassandra Yorgey, Exemplore/MSN, 2/6/23; edited, expanded by Wisdom Quarterly
Look, I chopped off my fingers to be more "alien"! Isn't it cool? Soon they'll take me up!

Man undergoes extreme body modification to turn “alien”
Let's make out, KOW!
A body modification "enthusiast" says chopping off two of his fingers made him feel "complete." [Who are you to judge?]

He believes this is an “evolution project” to become less human and more alien, and he claims he’s less than halfway done. [He's 46% there and a nut. We'll let common sense be the judge.]

Madonna? (MSN)
He began is bod-mod journey at the age of 27, when he looked like the sort of large-muscled hunk that TV shows lead us to believe we will meet if we just buy a gym membership in January.

Tell me I'm still beautiful! Tell me!!!
He had a nose ring and pierced ears, but little by little he pushed the boundaries far past the predictable or expected.

He cut off his nose, ears, upper lip, and two of his fingers; he split his tongue; he dyed his teeth purple, cut a hole in the bottom of his lip, and added implants to various parts of his body such as a raised spiral around his forearm under his skin.

He claims all of these changes have boosted his "self-confidence." [When the aliens land and round everybody up, they'll give me a higher position than the other prisoners, right King of Wierd?]

Please like me! Please! I'll hire an airbrush artist to make me look human again! Please!!
When asked what’s next, he says he’s ready to “take the leap” with leg amputation along with cutting off two more fingers. [You know there's a gal out there who loves it, gets it, and wants a relationship with KOW. She's probably champing at the bit just reading this. Yes, "champing," not "chomping." Look it up.]

While these changes certainly achieve the desired visual effect, none of these modifications will be passed on to offspring genetically, making it a misnomer to refer to it as any kind of “evolution.” [He could just take chemical drugs and harm his DNA and possibly pass that damage on.]

Some companies are attempting to make genetically-viable new species capable of reproduction through gene modification, although human testing would be wildly irresponsible at this point [unless done in secret at US and Chinese labs, as is certainly being done thanks to the CIA, DARPA, and similar secret police and spy agencies].

The company [named Colossal] intends to try and resurrect extinct species such as the dodo bird, Tasmanian tiger (thylacine), and Dumbo the furry elephant (woolly mammoth). More:
@kingofwierd #duet with @thefeedski this guy is doing all this stuff to try to make himself look like an alien. let me know what you guys think about this. maybe he really is an alien and he's just trying to get back to his roots. who knows. I haven't looked into it much but this is kind of bizarre. I hope you enjoy the video. #alien #aliens #ufo #wearenotalone #conspiracy ♬ original sound - TheFeedski

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